jueves, 9 de febrero de 2017



ENGLISH TASK. LEVELS EIGHTH / NINTH and TENTH (8th / 9th / 10th). 
CAT: Pedro Vicente Maldonado - Unión Noroccidente.

* Complete estas oraciones usando las formas del verbo To Be; (AM, IS, ARE) y traduzca al Español.

1-      I _______ a good student. ________________________________________________________
2-      We _______ old friends.  _________________________________________________________
3-      He _______ an engineer.   ________________________________________________________
4-      The pencil _______ on the desk. ________________________________________________
5-      She _______ absent from class today. __________________________________________

* Las siguientes oraciones cambie a la forma negativa, use las formas de verbo To Be
más la negación; (AM + not / IS + not / ARE + not)

6-      They ___________ my friends. ___________________________________________________
7-      The weather today ___________ good.  _________________________________________
8-      The sky __________ clear.    ______________________________________________________
9-      They __________ brothers. ______________________________________________________
10-  The child __________ in the garden. ____________________________________________

* Complete estas oraciones usando las formas del verbo To Be en pasado; (Was / Were) 
y traduzca al Español.

11-  We ___________ cousins. _______________________________________________________
12-  She ___________ sick today. ____________________________________________________
13-  She ___________ a young woman. _____________________________________________
14-  He ___________ a businessman. _______________________________________________
15-  He ___________ a lawyer. ______________________________________________________

* Forme oraciones interrogativas usando (IS - ARE); y conteste con Yes/No.

16-  ______ today Monday?                         Yes, _________________   No, __________________
17-  ___________ He and Mary good students? Yes, _________________  No,__________________
18-  ___________ the men on the corner?          Yes,________________     No, __________________
19-  ___________ You old friends?                        Yes,________________     No,___________________
20-  ___________ the tax is high?                          Yes,________________     No, ___________________

* Forme oraciones interrogativas usando Do - Does; y conteste con Yes/No.

21-  _____________ She study English?           Yes, _________________   No, __________________
22-  _____________ He and she come here?  Yes,__________________  No, ___________________
23-  _____________ You rest all morning?     Yes, _________________   No,___________________
24-  ____________ He fix the TV?                    Yes, _________________   No, ___________________

25- ____________  the dog eat bones?           Yes, ________________   No, ____________________

CAT: Pedro Vicente Maldonado - Unión Noroccidente.

* Complete estas oraciones interrogativas usando Do - Does; y conteste con Yes/No.
1- ____________ you like the pizza?         Yes, _________________    No, ____________________
2- ____________ she watch TV on Sundays?      Yes, _________________   No, ____________________
3- ___________ they have a pet?              Yes, __________________    No, ____________________
4- ___________ Alice want a new car?        Yes, _________________    No, ___________________
5- ___________ Charles and Gaby dance?         Yes, _______________     No, ________________

* Conteste en Ingles estas preguntas.

1- When will we go to the beach?____________________________________________________
2- Where do I see you before? _______________________________________________________
3- What kind of fish is this? __________________________________________________________
4- Who is Kaily Minogue? ____________________________________________________________
5- Whom do I give this shoes? _______________________________________________________
6- How do you feel? ___________________________________________________________________

* Las siguientes oraciones en voz activa, coteje con las de voz pasiva. Traduzca al español.

1- I have kept all your old letters.                   ___________________________________________
     _________________________________________         ___________________________________________
2- I keep the butter in the fridge.                    ___________________________________________
     _________________________________________         ___________________________________________
3- She wants to keep the book.                        ___________________________________________
     _________________________________________         ___________________________________________
4- If you told me, I would keep your secret. ___________________________________________
     _________________________________________         ___________________________________________
5- Mary kept her schedule meticulously.      ___________________________________________
     _________________________________________         ___________________________________________

a.- All your old letters have been kept
b.- The butter is kept in the fridge.
c.- The book wants to be kept.
d.- If you told me, your secret would be kept.
e.- Mary's schedule was kept meticulously.

By. Wellington E. García E.

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