miércoles, 23 de enero de 2019

ENGLISH HOMEWORKS. CAT: PVM - UNO. (26-27/01/2019)

ENGLISH TASK. LEVEL EIGHTH (8th) CAT: PVM - UNO. (26-27/01/2019)
Forme el Pasado, el Participio Pasado y en español estos verbos.
Base Form           Past Simple (V2)                 Past Participle (V3)              Spanish.
Begin                                                                                                                                                                          Catch                                                       
Draw                                                                                                                                                                           Freeze                                                       
Grow                                                                                                                                                                          Make                                                                                                                                                                           Shine                                                                                                                                                                       Teach                                                                                                                                                   
Think                                                                                                                                                                          * Presente Progresivo. Formar oraciones, usar el verbo to be (am, is, are)
1.- Affirmative sentences. (Am, is, are) (Subject - be - verb+ing - complement)
I / to read a book. _______________________________________________  
He / to repair his bike. ___________________________________________   
Jane and Emily / to do their homework. ____________________________________   
2.- Negative sentences. (am not, is not, are not) (Subject - be+not - verb+ing - complement)
They are drawing a horse. ______________________________________________
Angela is cleaning the bathroom. _________________________________________
3.- Interrogative sentences. Yes/No questions. (Be - subject - verb+ing - complement - ?) 
Are they _____________ (play) a game. _____________________________________________?
Yes, ______________________           No, _______________________
Is Angela _____________ (listen) to the radio. _________________________________________?
Yes, ________________      No, _________________                 
Change into plural: Fill in the blanks with the words of the right.
1.     Can you solve.................................problems?                     These                     this
2.     I have not been to.................................. places.                   That                       those
3.     I will buy.............................. shirts.                                        That                        those
4.     Who planted................................ trees?                               This                        these
5.     You can take................................... books.                           That                       those
* Prepositions of location. Traduzca al español este vocabulario y complete las oraciones.
Next to                                                                   between
across from                                                           In front of          
Behind                                                                   above
Opposite                                                                Inside
1.  The drug store is _____________________ the police station.
2.  The police station is ____________________ the bank and the store. 
3.  The school is __________________________ the restaurant.
4. The train station is ___________________________ the school.

ENGLISH TASK. LEVEL NINTH (9th) CAT: PVM - UNO. (26-27/01/2019)
* Complete estas oraciones en pasado con el verbo ser o estar (To Be= was-were).
1. - I _________   in the museum last spring. 
2. - We _________   at school last Saturday. 
3. - Tina _________   at home yesterday. 
1.     We need _____________ bananas.
2.     You can't buy _____________ posters in this shop.
3.     We haven't got ______________ oranges at the moment.
4.     She always takes ______________ sugar with her coffee.
5.      There are _____________ apples on the table.
How _____________ money did you spend?
How _____________ sugar do you need?
How _____________ days are there in January?
How _____________ people work in your company?
How _____________ provinces are there in the Ecuador?
Simple Present tense.
Fill in the correct form of the verb as in the examples. (
Do - does)
1  Every year his family ____________ to Europe for two weeks. (go)
    Tammy and Jen ______________ a Pilates class on Wednesday mornings. (take)
    __________ that airline __________ to Paris? (fly)
* Simple Past Tense.
Fill in the correct form of the verb as in the examples. (
1  I _______ a great book last week. (read)
    _______ Adam ______ the jacket that he _______ at the party? (find / leave)
    Why _______ you__________ for me at the bar yesterday evening? (not wait)
ENGLISH TASK. LEVEL TENTH (10th) CAT: PVM - UNO. (26-27/01/2019)
* Complete estas oraciones con el futuro progresivo (Going to) más el verbo del paréntesis.
Structure: (Subject + be (am, is, are) + going to + verb + complement)

1. - My brother ____________________________ TV News. (Watch)
2. - Jane and Lucia ___________________________ to the office. (go)
3. - I ___________________________ a letter to my uncle today. (write)
* Las siguientes oraciones con adjetivos cambie a oraciones en comparativos y superlativos.
1. - My house is big
(c) _____________________________________________________________________________
(s) _____________________________________________________________________________
2. - Your grade is dark.
(c) _____________________________________________________________________________
(s) _____________________________________________________________________________
3. - The rose is beautiful.
(c) _____________________________________________________________________________
(s) _____________________________________________________________________________
* Complete correctamente la palabra en cada oración. Use las del recuadro.

Soft        house      ball      fast       bus      machine      mother        pool      under      blue

_________bird is a type of bird.
Green____________ is a place where we grow plants.
I have to wait for bus number 12 at the _________ stop.
We played foot_________ today for two hours.
Windows is an operating system __________ware on everyone PC.
My mom gives us break_________ daily at 8am.
I know how to wash clothes in washing ________________
We join swimming __________ in every summer vacation.
My ___________-in-law is very kind person.
Good policemen never accept money from ___________world.

ENGLISH TASK. LEVEL FIRST BGU (1st bgu) CAT: PVM - UNO. (26-27/01/2019)
Rewrite the sentences in passive voice.
1. He opens the door.    _____________________________________________________________
2. She pays a lot of money.___________________________________________________________
3. I draw a picture.  _________________________________________________________________
4. You do not write the letter. _________________________________________________________
* Las siguientes oraciones en Voz Pasiva cambie a la Voz Activa.
1. - The apples were eaten by Harry after breakfast. __________________________________________
2. - The flat tire was changed by Sue.______________________________________________________
3. - A movie is going to be watched by us tonight. ____________________________________________
5. - The novel was read by Mom in one day. _____________________________________________________
* Las siguientes oraciones en Direct Question cambie a preguntas indirectas. Use “Can you tell me”
1. - Is he Spanish? ___________________________________________________________________
2. - Is the restaurant closing now? _______________________________________________________
3. - Will she start her new job next week? _________________________________________________________

ENGLISH TASK. LEVEL SECOND BGU (2nd bgu) CAT: PVM - UNO. (26-27/01/2019)
Complete las raciones usando el Primer Condicional (If + will + verb)
_______ he tells the truth, they _________ _____________ him (forgive
_______ you find a mistake, I ________ _____________  it (correct)
_______ you need money I ________  ___________ it to you (lend)

* Complete las raciones usando el Segundo Condicional (If + would + verb)
______ I were taller, she ___________   __________me (like).
______ I won the lottery, I __________   ____________ my dream house (buy).
______ I had children, I __________   _____________ them to dance (teach).

* Complete las siguientes oraciones utilizando correctamente el "Going to".
4.- You _____________________________   a picnic next Tuesday(to have)
5.- Jane ____________________________   to the office. (to  come back)
6.- They ____________________________   to the bus stop this afternoon. (to walk)
8.- She ____________________________   her aunt. (to visit)
9.- I ______________________________  my homework after school. (to do)

TAG QUESTIONS. Como se forma el tag questions en cada tiempo gramatical.
Presente simple del verbo "be" (am / is / are)
I am an important part of the team, _____________? 
Ted and Laurie are on vacation, _______________?
Presente simple (do / does)
Robert doesn't drink beer, ____________? 
Children like animation movies, ____________? 
Presente perfecto (have / has)
I have not passed the exam, _____________? 

Tony has invested lots of money in this, _____________? 

By: Wellington E. García E

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