* Ordinal numbers. Escriba en Ingles los siguientes números ordinales.
1st _____________ 2nd _____________ 3rd _____________ 4th ______________
5th _____________ 6th _____________ 7th _____________ 8th _____________
9th _____________ 10th _____________ 11th _____________ 12th _____________
13th_____________ 14th _____________ 15th _____________ 16th _____________
17th_____________ 18th _____________ 19th _____________ 20th _____________
21th ________________ 30th __________________ 35th __________________
40th ________________ 43th __________________ 50th __________________
60th ________________ 70th __________________ 80th __________________
90th ________________ 100th __________________ 101th __________________
* Prepositions of time: Complete las siguientes oraciones con (IN, ON, AT).
1- I have a meeting ________ 9am
2- The
shop closes _______ midnight
3- Jane went home _______ lunchtime
4- In
England, it often snows _______ December
5- Do you think we will go to Jupiter ________ the
6- There should be
a lot of progress ________ the next century
7- Do you work _______ Mondays?
8- Her
birthday is _______ 20 November
9- Where will you be _______ New Year's Day?
10- The stars shine _______ night
11- I don't usually work _______ the weekend
12- I stay with my family _______ Christmas
13- We finished the test _______ the same time
14- He's not home ________ present. Try later
ENGLISH TASK. LEVEL NINTH (9th). CAT: PVM-UNO (To 28-29/07/2018)
* Useful Expressions: Haga oraciones con las siguientes expresiones.
Let me....
To talk about...
The purpose....
So much....
ENGLISH TASK. LEVEL TENTH (10th). CAT: PVM-UNO (To 28-29/07/2018)
* Imperatives: Realizar nuevas oraciones en la tutoria.
make the imperative, use the infinitive of the verb without 'to':
here!" "Sit down!"
make a negative imperative, put "do
not" or "don't"
before the verb:
go!" "Do not walk on the grass."
be used for all subjects (you, he, they and we), but you can also use "let's" before the verb if
you are including yourself in the imperative:
stop now." "Let's have some lunch." The
negative of "let's" is "let's not":
not argue! "Let's not tell her about it."
Adults do not usually give each other orders, as a position of authority:
down now!" ('Sit', 'down' and 'now' are all stressed, and the tone falls
on 'now'.)
here!" "Sit!"
of danger, but the last word has a higher tone than the first word:
out!" "Look out!" "Don't cross!"
can also use the imperative to make a request, but you should use a polite word
before the verb:
take a seat." "Please wait here."
"Please hold the line." "Please don't smoke here."
"Please hold the line." "Please don't smoke here."
* Traduzca al español los siguientes verbos, y hacer nuevas oraciones con estos verbos.
ENGLISH TASK. LEVEL FIRST BGU (1st bgu). CAT: PVM-UNO (To 28-29/07/2018)
* First conditional "If". Hacer las oraciones que le pide en la agenda.
* Realice nuevas oraciones siguiendo los modelos.
If + Simple Present, Will / Won't ...
If I go to Paris next month
for work, I'll visit the Eiffel Tower (Plans)
If I have time, I will help
you. (Promise)
If you touch that wire, you
will get an electric shock. (Warning)
If you eat my chocolate that
is in the fridge, you'll sleep outside with the dog. (Threat)
If you take me to the mall,
I'll buy you an ice cream. (Persuasion)
Future Verb + If + Present Simple
I will be annoyed if they
don't arrive on time.
You will get a better job if
you can speak English.
You will miss the bus if you
don't hurry.
Your boss will be angry if you
don't finish the job.
You will feel better if you
take this medicine.
TAREA DE ECA. PRIMERO BGU. CAT: PVM - UNO (To 28-29/07/2018)
* Los planos en el cine.
Responda estas preguntas:
1.- En qué consiste el encuadre fotográfico?
2.- Qué características observas en las imágenes de la izquierda?

* Leer las páginas 62 a la 65, para la tarea. Realice un organizador gráfico, el mándala.
ENGLISH TASK. LEVEL SECOND BGU (2nd bgu). CAT: PVM-UNO (To 28-29/07/2018)
* Realice la tarea de la agenda sobre los verbos regulares e irregulares en infinitivo y gerundio (ing) más la traducción en español.
* Con estos verbos frasales hacer nuevas oraciones.
Back up: apoyar
Bring up: mencionar
Carry out: llevar a cabo
Come across: encontrarse
a alguien por casualidad
Come up with: ocurrirse (una idea,
Drop off: dejar
a alguien en un sitio
Find out: averiguar
Get back to: responder
más tarde
Get over: superarTAREA DE ECA. SEGUNDO BGU. CAT: PVM - UNO (To 28-29/07/2018)
* A más del deber de la agenda (páginas 64-65)
* Indague sobre los institutos o universidades en las que se puede estudiar dirección de cine.
Prepare un triplico sobre este tema.
ENGLISH TASK. LEVEL THIRD BGU (3rd bgu). CAT: PVM-UNO (To 28-29/07/2018)
* Realice la tarea de la agenda sobre los 10 verbos regulares y 10 irregulares en infinitivo y gerundio (ing) más la traducción en español.
* En casa realice 5 oraciones en voz Activa.
* En la tutoria se realizará nuevas oraciones en Voz Activa y Voz Pasiva.
TAREA DE "FF. HH" TERCERO BGU. CAT: PVM - UNO (To 28-29/07/2018)
* Realice lo sugerido en la agenda sobre las obras escritas por MLP.
* Además lea una de ellas y haga un pequeño comentario sobre la obra seleccionada.
By: Wellington E. García E
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