domingo, 29 de julio de 2018


ENGLISH TASK. LEVEL EIGHTH (8th). CAT: PVM-UNO. (To 04-05/July/2018)
* Prepossition of time (IN, ON, AT): Complete las siguientes oraciones con las respectivas preposiciones de tiempo, y traduzca al español.
1.- Loja; Art festivals are special celebrations _____ september
2.- The Art festivals will be celebrate ______ Loja 2018.
3.- Ecuador celebrates Mother´s day _____ may.
4.- San Miguel de los Bancos celebrates the Biodeversidad festival _____ July 17th.
5.- Guayaquil was founded ______ 1534 August 15th by Diego de Almagro.

Prepossition of Place (IN, ON, AT): Complete las siguientes oraciones con las respectivas preposiciones de lugar y traduzca al español.
1.- The Tango Festival is famous _____ Argentina.
2.- The Carnival Festival is very famous _____ Ambato and Guaranda.
3.- Some monkies are playing ______ the trees.
4.- Several English books are ______ teacher´s desk
5.- Some planes are _____ the new airport.
6.- There are beautiful waterfalls ______ Mindo

ENGLISH TASK. LEVEL NINTH (9th). CAT: PVM-UNO. (To 04-05/July/2018)
* Verbs: La siguiente lista de verbos forme el progresivo (ing) y traduzca al español.
Gerund (Ing)
Gerund (Ing)
To speak
To listen
To write
To read
To study
To teach
To learn
To dialogue
To book
To water

To walk
To play
To explain
To drink
To sell
To watch
To give
To celebrate
To pray
To wear

* Complete estas oraciones con  los respectivos verbos marcados en el recuadro con negrilla.
1.- Mark always _____________ his mom flowers on Mother´s day.
2.- These days people ___________ the Carnival in Ambato and Guaranda.
3.- People are very quiet in church. Right now they __________ for their families.
4.- I usually __________ the fireworks with my family on creation day of my town.
5.- Look! People __________ nice hats. They are made in Monte Cristi Ecuador.

* Adverbs: Traduzca al español los siguientes adverbios de frecuencia.
- Always
- Usually
- Often
- Frequently
- Sometimes
- Seldom / rarely
- Never

ENGLISH TASK. LEVEL TENTH (10th). CAT: PVM-UNO. (To 04-05/July/2018)
* Realizar oraciones con should más el verbo en infinitivo.
(Should + Verb (base form of infinitive) (Recomendación o sugerencia)

You should go now (do not say: You should to go now.)
Does your tooth still hurt? You should make an appointment with the dentist.
I think you should study for the test so that you don't fail.
Your hair is too long. You should get a haircut.

You really should go to the new restaurant on Main Street.
* Complete estas oraciones escogiendo la respuesta correcta.
He ___________ remember to close the windows when he leave the house.
don't have to

You ___________ eat fast food every day. It’s very bad for you.
have to
don't have to

Maria __________ the operation but she was too scared. Now she’s very ill.
should have
should have had
must have had
must have

Juan __________ visit Prague once a month for meetings, but he enjoys it.
has to
should have
have to

They ___________ perform that song. It’s offensive.
Should have
don't have
to should

Lucia ___________ come with me. I’m happy to go alone.
Should have
Don’t have to
Mustn’t have

ENGLISH TASK. LEVEL FIRST BGU (1st bgu). CAT: PVM-UNO. (To 04-05/July/2018)
* Second Conditional:
If I won the lottery, I would buy a big house. (I probably won't win the lottery)
If I met the Queen of England, I would say hello.
She would travel all over the world if she were rich.

She would pass the exam if she ever studied. (She never studies, so this won't happen)
If I were invisible for one day, I could play tricks on my friends      
If he weren't so stubborn, he would admit he was wrong 
If she were a good friend, she would help you 

If it were cheaper, I could buy it 

* TAREA: Complete estas oraciones usando correctamente el segundo condicional.
If + Past Simple ...Would + Verb
If I _________ (win) the lottery, I __________________ (travel) around the world. 
If I _________ (know) his name, I __________________ (tell) you.
If I ________________ (not/have) a headache, I __________________ (go) to the party.
If I _____________(become) President, I _______________ (reduce) the salaries of all politicians.
Conditional verb (would + verb) + If + Past Simple
I ________________ (be) happy if I ___________ (have) more free time.
I ________________ (tell) you the answer if I ___________ (know) what it was.
There ________________ (be) fewer accidents if everyone ___________ (drive) more carefully.
We _________________ (have) a lot of money if we __________ (sell) our house.
____________ she come if I ___________ (pay) for her flight?
____________ you accept the job if they ____________ (offer) it to you?  
What ___________ you do if you __________ (win) the lottery?
What ___________ you do if you __________ (see) a U.F.O?
If I were...
Note that with the verb To Be we use IF + I / HE / SHE / IT + WERE / would + verb.
If I _____________ (be / not) in debt, I ________________ (quit) my job.
If he ____________ (be) taller, he _________________ (be) accepted into the team.
IF + I / HE / SHE / IT + would + verb / WERE.
She ________________ (be) still be correcting my grammar if she ___________ (be) still alive.
Could in Second Conditional sentences: If + subject + verb in past / could + verb (present)
If he ___________ (train) every day, he ____________________ (represent) his country

If I ___________ (have) a little more money, I _______________ (buy) a car.

TAREA DE ECA. PRIMERO BGU. CAT: PVM -UNO. (To 04-05/July/2018)
* Realice la tarea de la agenda.
* Conteste las siguientes preguntas sobre los géneros cinematográficos.
1.- ¿Qué entiende por género? (dentro del Arte "cine o teatro")
2.- ¿Qué tipo de películas son las que más le agradan?
3.- ¿Cómo identificar el género al que pertenece un film en particular?
* Los temas para la tarea sobre los géneros en el Arte son; los mismos que le servirán para el deber.
a.- Cine cómico.
b.- Cine del Oeste.
c.- Cine negro.
d.- Cine musical.
e.- Cine de terror.
f.- Cine de Ciencia-Ficción.
g.- Cine melodrama.
h.- Cine Arte.
i.- Cine del Autor.
j.- Cine Independiente.

ENGLISH TASK. LEVEL SECOND BGU (2nd bgu). CAT: PVM-UNO. (To 04-05/July/2018)
* Formar los Prefijos y los Sufijos con las siguientes palabras.
Examples: Prefixes and Suffixes.
(Prefixes: a/an, non, in/im/il/ir, un, dis, mis, de, pre, pro, re, en, over, under, out)
1- Typical: ____________________        (típico / atípico)
2- Adequate: _____________________ (adecuado / inadecuado)
3.- Legal: _____________________  (legal / ilegal)
 4- Patient: ____________________  (paciente / impaciente)
5- Happy: ____________________  (feliz / infeliz)
6- Developed: ____________________ (desarrollado / subdesarrollado)
7- Normal: _____________________ (normal / anormal)
8- Time: ___________________ (tiempo / tiempo extra)
9- Understand: _______________________ (entender / entender mal)
10- Function: _______________________  (funcionar / no funcionar)

Suffixes: (dom, ess/ine, ful, ship, y, ly, ness, less, able, ance, er, ee, ment
1.- King: ___________________ (rey / reino)
2.- Free: ___________________ (libre / libertad)
3.- Waiter: ____________________ (camarero / camarera)
4.- Actor: _____________________ (actor / actriz)
5.- Flavour: ____________________ (sabor / sabroso)
6.- Wonder: ____________________ (maravilla / maravilloso)
7.- Dictator: _____________________ (dictador / dictadura)
8.- Citizen: ______________________ (ciudadano / ciudadanía)
9.- Hair: _______________________ (pelo / peludo)
10.- Rain: _______________________ (lluvia / lluvioso)

Ejemplos de sufijos en inglés para adjetivos
1.- Slow: _____________________ (lento / con lentitud, lentamente)
2.- Week: _____________________ (semana / semanal)
3.- Lonely: _______________________ (solo / soledad)
4.- Dark: _______________________ (oscuro / oscuridad)
5.- Use: ________________________ (uso / inútil)

Ejemplos de sufijos en inglés para verbos
1.- To drink: ______________________ (beber / bebible)
2.- To reason: ______________________ (razonar / razonable)
3.- To insure: ________________________ (asegurar / seguro)
4.- To speak: _________________________ (hablar / hablante)
5.- To teach: ________________________ (enseñar / el que enseña, profesor)
6.- To employ: _________________________ (emplear / empleado)

TAREA DE ECA. SEGUNDO BGU. CAT: PVM -UNO. (To 04-05/July/2018)
* Realice la tarea de la agenda.
* La escenografía: Realice un resumen sobre:
1.- Realista
2.- Abstracta
3.- Sugerente
4.- Funcional.
* ¿Qué elementos se deben tomar en cuenta al momento de diseñar la escenografía?

ENGLISH TASK. LEVEL THIRD BGU (3rd bgu). CAT: PVM-UNO. (To 04-05/July/2018)
* Realice la tarea de la agenda sobro todo lo que dice allí, con esos temas se realizarán oraciones en la tutoria.
* Traduzca al español los siguientes verbos.
(Compare, have, discusse, go, need, recharge, take, answer, look, see, change, use, say, help, give, drive, produce, create, like,  solve, think, travel)

TAREA DE FF. HH. TERCERO BGU. CAT: PVM -UNO. (To 04-05/July/2018)
* Busque información sobre el legado económico, político y educativo que dejo Monseñor Leonidas Proaño.

By: Wellington E. García E.

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