martes, 7 de agosto de 2018


ENGLISH TASK. LEVEL A1.1 EIGHTH (8th). CAT: PVM-UNO (To 11-12/08/2018)
* De Internet baje información de un "Famous Fest" con su respectiva lectura en ingles.
Por ejemplo:
Resultado de imagen para popular fest in ecuador mama negra
La Mama Negra
It is in Latacunga, Cotopaxi province, where La Mama Negra, known as Santisima Tragedia (Blessed Tragedy) shows the indigenous, Spanish and African cultures of Ecuador. A magical ceremony that reveals the life of different peoples conceived in its mixture of cultures. The residents of this place also pay homage to La Virgen de la Merced (Virgin of Mercy) as a show of gratitude for favors granted. Is first performed in September, as a party of devotees and the second date is performed in the first week of November after the anniversary year of independence, or political party of Latacunga. (En la tutoria hay que traducir esta lectura)

* Usted presente del Inti Raymi por ejemplo.
* Además se sacará una copia del libro pág. 25 del workbook.

ENGLISH TASK. LEVEL A1.2 NINTH (9th). CAT: PVM-UNO (To 11-12/08/2018)
* Comparativos y superlativos. Ejemplos en la tutoria.
* Traduzca al español las palabras, presente en una hoja aparte.

Read the sentences below and then give the comparative form for each of the adjectives listed.​
Tennis is a more difficult sport than Rugby.
I think John is happier now than a year ago.    
 * Con esta palabras realizar oraciones con los comparativos y superlativos.
Hot                  _______________      ____________________      ______________
Interesting       _______________       ____________________      _____________
Weak                _______________      ____________________      _____________
Funny               _______________      ____________________      _____________
Important          _______________       ____________________     _____________
Careful              _______________        ____________________    _____________
Big                    _______________        ____________________     _____________
Small                 _______________        ___________________      _____________
Boring               _______________        ___________________       _____________
Angry                _______________        ___________________        _____________

ENGLISH TASK. LEVEL A2.1 TENTH (10th). CAT: PVM-UNO (To 11-12/08/2018)
* Completar estas oraciones con el condicional de obligación.
* En casa busque el significado en español de estas palabras.
(A lot of, late, anyone, just, free, pay, lye, naughty, because, rush, plenty, time, smoke, inside, borrow, dirty, dress, miss, tonight, tomorrow, floor, clean, forget, lock, leave, stay, spend, much, only, little, get up, early, too, tidy up, later, cook)
Modals of Obligation 1
Put in 'mustn't' or 'don't / doesn't have to'

1) We have a lot of work tomorrow. You   be late.
2) You   tell anyone what I just told you. It's a secret.
3) The museum is free. You   pay to get in.
4) Children   tell lies. It's very naughty.
5) John's a millionaire. He   go to work.
6) I  do my washing because my mother does it for me.
7) We   rush. We've got plenty of time.
8) You   smoke inside the school.
9) You can borrow my new dress, but you   get it dirty.
10) We   miss the train, because it's the last one tonight.
11) She   do this work today, because she can do it tomorrow.
12) I   clean the floor today because I cleaned it yesterday.
13) We   forget to lock all the doors before we leave.
14) We   stay in a hotel in London; we can stay with my brother.
15) I   spend too much money today, as I've only got a little left.
16) They   get up early today, because it's Sunday.
17) I   eat too much cake or I'll get fat!.
18) We   be late for the exam.
19) You   tidy up now. I'll do it later.
20) He   cook tonight because he's going to a restaurant.

ENGLISH TASK. LEVEL A2.2 FIRST BGU (1st). CAT: PVM-UNO (To 11-12/08/2018)
* Los siguientes adjetivos cambiar a Adverbios.
Adjective                                    Adverb                                                          Spanish
Cheap                                   __________________                     _________________________
Quick                                    __________________                     _________________________
Slow                                      __________________                     _________________________
Easy                                      __________________                     _________________________
Angry                                   __________________                     _________________________
Happy                                  __________________                     _________________________
Lucky                                   __________________                     _________________________
Basic                                    __________________                     _________________________
Tragic                                  __________________                     _________________________
Economic                            __________________                     _________________________
Dangerous                            __________________                     _________________________
Careful                                __________________                      _________________________
Easy                                     __________________                     _________________________
Irregular forms:
Good                                    __________________                     _________________________
Fast                                       __________________                     _________________________
Hard                                     __________________                     _________________________
Happy                                   __________________                     _________________________
Shy                                        __________________                     _________________________
Adjective ends in e - le,  form with -ly:
Terrible                               __________________                     _________________________
Probable                              __________________                     _________________________
Safe                                     __________________                      _________________________
Nice                                     __________________                     _________________________
Gentle                                  __________________                     _________________________

Horrible                               __________________                     _________________________

* Se construirá oraciones con estos adjetivos y cambiar  a adverbios.
(Llevar material de trabajo)

TAREA DE ECA. PRIMERO BGU. CAT: PVM - UNO (To 11-12/08/2018)
* Realice un "Collage" sobre los principales Géneros Cinematográficos (pág: 66-71)

ENGLISH TASK. LEVEL B1.1 SECOND BGU (2nd). CAT: PVM-UNO (To 11-12/08/2018)
* Desarrollar las destrezas de; "Reading" "Speaking" "Listening" and "Writing"
Debe llevar material de trabajo (Diccionario) y llevar preparado estas lecturas.
En la tutoria se realizará otras. Extraer vocabulario.
Inti Raymi Celebration
Huma Devils dance ar the party to the sun: Inti Raymi.
The summer solstice is celebrated to thank the god Inti (Sun) for the abundance of crops and Pachamama (Mother Earth)  for caring and blessing crops. Held on June 21 in almost all indigenous villages of the highlands.

The most acknowledged are registered in the provinces of Imbabura, Cotopaxi, Tungurahua, Cañar, Azuay and Loja. The Inti Raymi festival is characterized by dancers wearing their heads decorated with mirrors, sequins and feathers; or in the way of Aya Huma (diabluma or diablo huma) this character can spin very close to you, with their double face masks.

The Rodeo Montubio Costeño
It is in the province of El Oro, and in places like Pimocha, Vinces or Balzar, around the province of Guayas, where you can find “Rodeos Montubios”. Popular festivals are accompanied by lots of color, where riders compete and march, distinguished men, with their costumes that have the essential straw hat. Men compete, and the  “Criolla Bonita” is chose, the woman that will represent the various haciendas of the sector. The “Rodeo Montubio” takes place as a tribute to the Day of Interculturality and Plurinationality (Oct. 12.)
La fiesta del Rodeo Montubio se lleva a cabo durante todo el mes de octubre en la provincia de Los Rios. The celebration of “Rodeo Montubio”, takes place throughout the month of October in the province of Los Ríos.

TAREA DE ECA. SEGUNDO BGU. CAT: PVM - UNO (To 11-12/08/2018)
* Realice la tarea sugerida en la agenda sobre el vestuario y maquillaje empleado en el teatro.
Además hay que preparar un tipo de vestuario y maquillaje para presentar el día 25 de agosto, se tratará este tema el día de la tutoría.

ENGLISH TASK. LEVEL B1.2 THIRD BGU (3rd). CAT: PVM-UNO (To 11-12/08/2018)
* Desarrollar las destrezas de; "Reading" "Speaking" "Listening" and "Writing"
Debe llevar material de trabajo (Diccionario) y llevar preparado estas lecturas.
En la tutoria se realizará otras. Extraer vocabulario.
Inti Raymi Celebration
Huma Devils dance ar the party to the sun: Inti Raymi.
The summer solstice is celebrated to thank the god Inti (Sun) for the abundance of crops and Pachamama (Mother Earth)  for caring and blessing crops. Held on June 21 in almost all indigenous villages of the highlands.

The most acknowledged are registered in the provinces of Imbabura, Cotopaxi, Tungurahua, Cañar, Azuay and Loja. The Inti Raymi festival is characterized by dancers wearing their heads decorated with mirrors, sequins and feathers; or in the way of Aya Huma (diabluma or diablo huma) this character can spin very close to you, with their double face masks.

The Rodeo Montubio Costeño
It is in the province of El Oro, and in places like Pimocha, Vinces or Balzar, around the province of Guayas, where you can find “Rodeos Montubios”. Popular festivals are accompanied by lots of color, where riders compete and march, distinguished men, with their costumes that have the essential straw hat. Men compete, and the  “Criolla Bonita” is chose, the woman that will represent the various haciendas of the sector. The “Rodeo Montubio” takes place as a tribute to the Day of Interculturality and Plurinationality (Oct. 12.)
La fiesta del Rodeo Montubio se lleva a cabo durante todo el mes de octubre en la provincia de Los Rios. The celebration of “Rodeo Montubio”, takes place throughout the month of October in the province of Los Ríos.

TAREA DE CC . FF. TERCERO BGU. CAT: PVM - UNO (To 11-12/08/2018)
* Realice la tarea de la agenda sobre el reconocimiento a la labor en el legado educativo de MLP.

By: Wellington E. García E.

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