ENGLISH TASK. LEVEL EIGHTH (8th). CAT: PVM - UNO. (To 01-02/ Sept/2018)
* Revise y repase sobre los siguientes temas vistos en el primer quimestre.
a.- Números Cardinales del (1 al 20)
b.- Números Ordinales del (1st al 20th)
c.- Miembros de la Familia.
d.- Adjetivos y verbos regulares.
e.- Preposiciones de tiempo (in, on, at)
f.- Pronombres Personales.
g.- Pronombres demostrativos. (This-that / These-those)
h.- Pronombres posesivos.
ENGLISH TASK. LEVEL NINTH (9th). CAT: PVM - UNO. (To 01-02/ Sept/2018)
* Revise y repase sobre los siguientes temas vistos en el primer quimestre.
a.- Verbos regulares e irregulares en presente y pasado.
b.- Adjetivos y Pronombres posesivos.
c.- Uso de "Do y Does" (Negativas e interrogativas)
d.- Verbo To Be (Presente y pasado / afirmativas, negativas e interrogativas)
e.- Adverbios de frecuencia
f.- Oraciones en presente progresivo con ING; presente y pasado.
g.- Oraciones en presente simple cambiar al presente progresivo (ing)
h.- Palabras de enlace.
i.- Oraciones con el modal verb "CAN"
ENGLISH TASK. LEVEL TENTH (10th). CAT: PVM - UNO. (To 01-02/ Sept/2018)
* Revise y repase sobre los siguientes temas vistos en el primer quimestre.
a.- Adverbios de frecuencia
b.- Verbos regulares e irregulares en presente y pasado. Realice oraciones.
c.- Preguntas con Do-does, respuestas con Yes-No, y en pasado con Did.
d.- Preguntas con To Be (am, is, are), respuestas con Yes-No, y en pasado con (Was-were)
e.- Oraciones con When y While.
f.- Oraciones en presente simple y progresivo (ing)
g.- Condicionales Must, would, could. (verbos modales)
h.- Presente perfecto.
* Estudien en base a los trabajos realizados con los temas expuestos en la agenda.
ENGLISH TASK. LEVEL THIRD BGU (3rd bgu). CAT: PVM - UNO. (To 01-02/ Sept/2018)
* Revise y repase sobre los siguientes temas vistos en el primer quimestre.
a.- Realice oraciones con "Used to" (5)
b.- Realice oraciones en "Voz activa" (5) (Presente, pasado, futuro y progresivo)
c.- Realice oraciones en "Voz pasiva" (5)
d.- Realice oraciones con "Who, What, Where, Whose" (5) con su respuestas.
e.- Realice oraciones con When y While (5)
f.- Realice oraciones con "For o Since" (5)
g.- Realice un listado (10) verbos regulares y (10) irregulares en presente, pasado y participio. Realice oraciones. (5)
By: Wellington E. García E
miércoles, 29 de agosto de 2018
lunes, 20 de agosto de 2018
ENGLISH HOMEWORKS. CAT: PVM - UNO. (24-25/08/2018)
* Use correctamente los adverbios de tiempo (AT, ON, IN)
* Complete estas oraciones en Presente Perfecto. Use (Have - has)
TAREA DE ECA. PRIMERO BGU. CAT: PVM - UNO (To 24-25/08/2018)
* Recuerde traer todo lo acordado sobre la asignatura de Educación Cultural y Estética para la exposición este sábado 25 y domingo 26 de agosto.
* Complete estas oraciones, usando las palabras del paréntesis..
TAREA DE ECA. SEGUNDO BGU. CAT: PVM - UNO (To 24-25/08/2018)
* Recuerde traer todo lo acordado sobre la asignatura de Educación Cultural y Estética para la exposición este sábado 25 y domingo 26 de agosto.
* Las siguientes oraciones cambie a Voz Activa.
TAREA DE ECA. PRIMERO BGU. CAT: PVM - UNO (To 24-25/08/2018)
* Lea la obra de Monseñor Leonidas Proaño y dramatice una parte de la vida de MLP.
Como modo de ensayo para el día del examen quimestral.
By: Wellington E. García E.
* Use correctamente los adverbios de tiempo (AT, ON, IN)
We use AT with specific times (hour / minutes):
get up _____ 7 o'clock.
English class starts ______ 10am.
left the party _____ midnight.
We use ON for specific days and dates:
will return it to you ______ Wednesday.
got married ______ Friday the 13th.
get paid _______ the 20th of every month.
We use IN for specific months, years, seasons, centuries and
lengths of time.
birthday is _______ January.
grandmother was born ______ 1927.
river near my house is dry ______ summer.
company was founded _______ the 19th century.
* Traduzca al español y forme el Pasado y el
Participio Pasado de los siguientes verbos.
English Past Participle Spanish
Live _______________ ________________ ________________________
Work _______________ ________________ ________________________
Play _______________ ________________ ________________________
Finish _______________ ________________ ________________________
Study _______________ ________________ ________________________
Stop _______________ ________________ ________________________
Listen _______________ ________________ ________________________
Close _______________ ________________ ________________________
Open _______________ ________________ ________________________
Love _______________ ________________ ________________________
* Las
siguientes oraciones complete usando "Do - does" y
responda en ingles las mismas.
_________ he play basketball? Yes, _____________ / No, ______________
What _________ she do on Mondays? _____________________________________
What _______ they do in the morning? _____________________________________
* Complete estas oraciones en Presente Progresivo (ING) con los verbos del paréntesis.
a.- Affirmative.
_________ he play basketball? Yes, _____________ / No, ______________
What _________ she do on Mondays? _____________________________________
What _______ they do in the morning? _____________________________________
* Complete estas oraciones en Presente Progresivo (ING) con los verbos del paréntesis.
a.- Affirmative.
I _______
__________________ (watch) a new TV
Angela ________
__________________ (clean) the bathroom.
We _______
_________________ (help) to our mother.
b. - Negatives.
You ________
________________ (use) the Internet.
________ _________ ________________ (study) English grammar.
Kevin _______
________ ________________ (rest) under the tree.
* Complete estas oraciones usando los verbos del paréntesis en pasado.
They have ________________ (live) here for years.
She has ________________ (work) in the bank for five years.
We have _______________ (have) the same car for ten years.
I have _______________ (study) hard this week.
It has _______________ (rain) a lot this year.
We haven't _______________ (see) her today.
She has _______________ (visit) them frequently.
We have ________________ (eat) at that restaurant many times.
Have you just _______________ (finish) work?
We have just _______________ (see) her.
Someone has ____________ (eat) my soup!
She's _______________ (study) Japanese, Russian, and English.ENGLISH TASK. LEVEL FIRST BGU. CAT: PVM - UNO. (To 24-25/08/2018)
* Complete estas oraciones en Presente Perfecto. Use (Have - has)
The man was hit by a red car. The driver ___________
____________ (see) him.
I saw him because he ______________
______________ (leave) for work.
The girl was afraid. She ______________ (fly) on a
plane before.
He didn't get the job because he _____________
______________ (send) all his papers.
The apartment was dirty. They _____________
_____________ (clean) it for a long time.
She ____________ _______________ (iron)
her blouse. She looked a mess.
Verb + If + Present Simple
I ________ be annoyed ______ they don't arrive on time. _________________________
You _________ get a better job ______ you can speak English._____________________
You _________ miss the bus ______ you don't hurry._____________________________
boss __________ be angry _______ you don't finish the job.___________________
You _________ feel better ______ you take this medicine._________________________
TAREA DE ECA. PRIMERO BGU. CAT: PVM - UNO (To 24-25/08/2018)
* Recuerde traer todo lo acordado sobre la asignatura de Educación Cultural y Estética para la exposición este sábado 25 y domingo 26 de agosto.
* Complete estas oraciones, usando las palabras del paréntesis..
(Get on: Subir / montarse, Drive off: Marcharse en vehículo, Come back: Volver a algún lugar,
Turn round: Cambiar de dirección / girarse, Take off: Despegar, Run away (from): Escaparse, huir, alejarse, Broke down: Dejar de funcionar, dejar de operar, Romperse )
1. The bus was full. We couldn’t ________________.
2. A woman got into the car and ________________.
3. Sally is leaving tomorrow and ___________________ on Saturday.
4. When I touched him on the shoulder, he ____________________
5. Sorry I’m late. The car ___________________ Siento llegar
6. It was my first flight. I was nervous as the plane ___________________
7 Why did you __________________ from me?
* Forme oraciones en Presente
Perfecto. Use (have-has)
1. -
I _________ ________________ (explain) the
new English class.
2. -
She ________ _______________ (finish) her
new Proyect.
3. -
We ________ _______________ (visit) them
once a week.
4. -
She ________ _______________ (speak) with him several times.
5. -
We ________ _______________ (lend) money to you many times.
* Estas oraciones cambie al tiempo pasado en
forma, negativa. Use (Hadn´t)
1.- Mark and Sara ___________ ____________ (play) squash twice a week.
2.- Carlos usually ___________ ____________ (meet) new clients in his
barber shop.
3.- Tammy and Jen ___________ ____________ (have) breakfast in the garden.
* Recuerde traer todo lo acordado sobre la asignatura de Educación Cultural y Estética para la exposición este sábado 25 y domingo 26 de agosto.
* Las siguientes oraciones cambie a Voz Activa.
Harry painted his new apartment. _________________________________________________
We are going to watch a movie tonight. ____________________________________________
The boy shooted the doors. _____________________________________________________
Mom read the
novel in one day. __________________________________________________
I will clean the house every Saturday. _____________________________________________
* Con las siguientes palabras forme oraciones en Voz Pasiva.
- (The onions / cut / in slices) ___________________________________________________
- (The blouse / ironed / yesterday) _______________________________________________
- (The radio / turned off / tonight) ________________________________________________
- (The chicken / cook / now) ____________________________________________________
- (The shirt / will fix / tomorrow) _________________________________________________
* Lea la obra de Monseñor Leonidas Proaño y dramatice una parte de la vida de MLP.
Como modo de ensayo para el día del examen quimestral.
By: Wellington E. García E.
miércoles, 15 de agosto de 2018
ENGLISH HOMEWORK. CAT: PVM - UNO (TO 18-19 August 2018)
ENGLISH TASK. LEVEL EIGHTH (8th). CAT: PVM - UNO (To 18-19/08/2018)
* Traduzca al español estas expresiones: (The flavor of the month, a culture vulture, the life of the party)
* Complete la conversación con las expresiones del vocabulario anterior.
a.- Your sister is fond of art! Yes, she is __________________________________
b.- Let´s invite Ted to the party! Yes, he is always the center of attention.
He is ____________________________
c.- Coldplay is on TV and the radio. Of course, they are now _________________________
* Complete con IN, ON, AT.
a.- The food festival is _____ January 20th. It´s ____ the morning ____ 10:30.
b.- The Art exhibition is _____ June _____ weekdays ____ noon.
c.- The cine club is ____ Wednesday _____ 5:00 PM
d.- The music festival is ____ November 3rd ____ 6:30 PM.
* Complete la información. Use los números del paréntesis.
a.- Our Coat of Arms day is on ________________ __________ (10/31)
(month) (date)
b.- Christmas Day is on ___________________ _____________ (12/25)
(month) (date)
c.- S. Valentin´s Day is on ___________________ ___________ (2/14)
(month) (date)
d.- Our Flag´s Day is on ___________________ ____________ (9/26)
(month) (date)
ENGLISH TASK. LEVEL NINTH (9th). CAT: PVM - UNO (To 18-19/08/2018)
* Complete las siguientes oraciones con el modal CAN y traduzca al español.
Affirmative form.
Negative Form. (CAN´T)
Interrogative form (CAN...?)
_______ we speak German? __________________________________________?
ENGLISH TASK. LEVEL TENTH (10th). CAT: PVM - UNO (To 18-19/08/2018)
* Con el condicional Must + Infinitive, se trabajará en la tutoría.
* Traducir al inglés estas oraciones.
* Traduzca al español estas expresiones: (The flavor of the month, a culture vulture, the life of the party)
* Complete la conversación con las expresiones del vocabulario anterior.
a.- Your sister is fond of art! Yes, she is __________________________________
b.- Let´s invite Ted to the party! Yes, he is always the center of attention.
He is ____________________________
c.- Coldplay is on TV and the radio. Of course, they are now _________________________
* Complete con IN, ON, AT.
a.- The food festival is _____ January 20th. It´s ____ the morning ____ 10:30.
b.- The Art exhibition is _____ June _____ weekdays ____ noon.
c.- The cine club is ____ Wednesday _____ 5:00 PM
d.- The music festival is ____ November 3rd ____ 6:30 PM.
* Complete la información. Use los números del paréntesis.
a.- Our Coat of Arms day is on ________________ __________ (10/31)
(month) (date)
b.- Christmas Day is on ___________________ _____________ (12/25)
(month) (date)
c.- S. Valentin´s Day is on ___________________ ___________ (2/14)
(month) (date)
d.- Our Flag´s Day is on ___________________ ____________ (9/26)
(month) (date)
ENGLISH TASK. LEVEL NINTH (9th). CAT: PVM - UNO (To 18-19/08/2018)
* Complete las siguientes oraciones con el modal CAN y traduzca al español.
Affirmative form.
I _______ swim very well. _____________________________________________
I _______ speak French. ______________________________________________
He _______ dance salsa. _____________________________________________
I _______ see you later. ______________________________________________
The birds _______ fly very high. ________________________________________
She _______ cook a delicious cake. _____________________________________
Negative Form. (CAN´T)
You _________ play soccer: ___________________________________________
Mary _________ eat chicken: __________________________________________
They _________ jump alone: __________________________________________
We __________ speak english: _________________________________________
Salmira __________ dance salsa: _______________________________________
Interrogative form (CAN...?)
_______ you play soccer? ____________________________________________?
Yes, _______________________ No, ____________________
_______ the baby eat fish? ___________________________________________?
Yes, _______________________ No, ____________________
_______ they dance tango? ___________________________________________?
Yes, _______________________ No, ____________________
Yes, _______________________ No, ____________________
_______ you drink coffee hot? _________________________________________?
Yes, _______________________ No, ____________________
ENGLISH TASK. LEVEL TENTH (10th). CAT: PVM - UNO (To 18-19/08/2018)
* Con el condicional Must + Infinitive, se trabajará en la tutoría.
Patterns. Read and
I must do it now.
Must I do it now?
I must not do it now.
He must do it now.
Must he do it now?
He must not do it now.
She must do it now.
Must she do it now?
She must not do it now.
It must do it now.
Must it do it now?
It must not do it now.
We must do it now.
Must we do it now?
We must not do it now.
You must do it now.
Must you do it now?
You must not do it now.
They must do it now.
Must they do it now?
They must not do it now.
* Traducir al inglés estas oraciones.
1.- Leslie debe ver al doctor muy pronto: ______________________________________________
2.- Martha debe visitar a sus abuelos: ________________________________________________
3.- Matheo debe guardar el queso en la nevera: ________________________________________
4.- Tu debes ir a la cama muy temprano: ______________________________________________
5.- Ella no debe arrojar basura en la calle: _____________________________________________
6.- Nosotros no debemos ser deshonestos: ____________________________________________
7.- Ellos no deben comer comida chatarra: ____________________________________________
8.- Debes hacer esta tarea de Inglés? ________________________________________________
9.- Debe ir solo al supermercado? ___________________________________________________
10.- Debes ir a la iglesia el Domingo por la noche: ______________________________________
ENGLISH TASK. LEVEL FIRST BGU (1st bgu). CAT: PVM - UNO (To 18-19/08/2018)
* Completar las siguientes oraciones utilizando: El zero, first, second and third conditional.
Zero Conditional: "When" or "If"
Third Conditional: ("If" / "Would" or "Wouldn´t) ("Would" - "Wouldn´t" / "If")
TAREA DE ECA. PRIMERO BGU. CAT: PVM - UNO. (To 18-19/08/2018)
* Con los temas de la agenda realice sobre la apreciación cinematográfica.
1.- Análisis del argumento de una película. (6 argumentos)
a.- Resumir b.- Analizar c.- Realizar d.- Explicar e.- Comparar f.- Comentar
2.- Análisis técnico de una película. (5 argumentos)
a.- Elaborar ficha b.- Realizar análisis c.- Analizar valores d.- Analizar estética e.- Analizar género.
3.- Análisis del mensaje de una película. (4 argumentos)
a.- Reflexionar sobre contenido temático b.- Expresar fluidez de elementos técnicos
c.- Responder preguntas: Cómo? Por qué? Quién? Cuál? e.- Hacer comentarios
ENGLISH TASK. LEVEL SECOND BGU (2nd bgu). CAT: PVM - UNO (To 18-19/08/2018)
* En esta ocasión se trabajará con la copia de la página Nº 45 del libro sobre el QUIZ TIME.
Lleve a la tutoria listo el material de trabajo.
TAREA DE ECA. SEGUNDO BGU. CAT: PVM - UNO. (To 18-19/08/2018)
* Realice la tarea de la agenda sobre la historia del escritor y dramaturgo Peky Andino.
* La otra tarea sobre el perfil de actuación teatral, no lo realice.
ENGLISH TASK. LEVEL THIRD BGU (3rd bgu). CAT: PVM - UNO (To 18-19/08/2018)
* Las siguientes oraciones en Voz Activa cambie a Voz Pasiva.
Active Voice. Change to Passive Voice.
Passive Voice. Change to Active Voice.
The entire house was painted by Tom. ___________________________________________________
TAREA DE FF. HH. TERCERO BGU. CAT: PVM - UNO. (To 18-19/08/2018)
* Realice la tarea sugerida en la agenda.
By: Wellington E. García E.
ENGLISH TASK. LEVEL FIRST BGU (1st bgu). CAT: PVM - UNO (To 18-19/08/2018)
* Completar las siguientes oraciones utilizando: El zero, first, second and third conditional.
Zero Conditional: "When" or "If"
1.- __________ you press the button, the doorbell rings. _________________________________
2.- _____ I had woken up earlier, I could have taken the bus. _____________________________
3.- __________ fish don't eat enough, they die. ________________________________________
4.- __________ he buys chocolate, he buys me some too. _______________________________
5.- _____ you write to me, I will reply. ________________________________________________
First Conditional: ("If" / "Will") Fail=suspender
_____ it
rains today, I _______ watch a movie. ________________________________________
_____ you don’t study hard, you _______ fail your exam. ________________________________
_____ we don’t hurry, we ________ miss the train. _____________________________________
_____ I see him, I ________ hug him. _______________________________________________
_____ you arrive before dinner, we ________ go to the movies. ___________________________
Second Conditional: ("If" / "Would")
_____ I were taller, she ___________ like me. ________________________________________
_____ I won the lottery, I ___________ buy my dream house. ____________________________
_____ she lost weight, the dress __________ fit. ______________________________________
_____ I had children, I _________ teach them to dance. ________________________________
_____ she were your friend, you __________ tell her the truth. ___________________________
Third Conditional: ("If" / "Would" or "Wouldn´t) ("Would" - "Wouldn´t" / "If")
_____ you had been more careful, you ________________ (not) have had an accident.
_____ I had seen you, I ___________ have said hello.
_____ he had asked me, I ___________ have helped him.
_____ I had known, I ________________(not) have done that.
I ___________ have taken a photo ______ I had brought my camera with me.
She __________ have gone to your birthday party ______ she hadn't been sick.
He _____________(not) have become lost ______ he had taken the map with him.
TAREA DE ECA. PRIMERO BGU. CAT: PVM - UNO. (To 18-19/08/2018)
* Con los temas de la agenda realice sobre la apreciación cinematográfica.
1.- Análisis del argumento de una película. (6 argumentos)
a.- Resumir b.- Analizar c.- Realizar d.- Explicar e.- Comparar f.- Comentar
2.- Análisis técnico de una película. (5 argumentos)
a.- Elaborar ficha b.- Realizar análisis c.- Analizar valores d.- Analizar estética e.- Analizar género.
3.- Análisis del mensaje de una película. (4 argumentos)
a.- Reflexionar sobre contenido temático b.- Expresar fluidez de elementos técnicos
c.- Responder preguntas: Cómo? Por qué? Quién? Cuál? e.- Hacer comentarios
ENGLISH TASK. LEVEL SECOND BGU (2nd bgu). CAT: PVM - UNO (To 18-19/08/2018)
* En esta ocasión se trabajará con la copia de la página Nº 45 del libro sobre el QUIZ TIME.
Lleve a la tutoria listo el material de trabajo.
TAREA DE ECA. SEGUNDO BGU. CAT: PVM - UNO. (To 18-19/08/2018)
* Realice la tarea de la agenda sobre la historia del escritor y dramaturgo Peky Andino.
* La otra tarea sobre el perfil de actuación teatral, no lo realice.
ENGLISH TASK. LEVEL THIRD BGU (3rd bgu). CAT: PVM - UNO (To 18-19/08/2018)
* Las siguientes oraciones en Voz Activa cambie a Voz Pasiva.
Active Voice. Change to Passive Voice.
ate six shrimp at dinner. _________________________________________________________
giraffes roam the savannah. ___________________________________________________
are going to watch a movie tonight. __________________________________________________
ran the obstacle course in record time. __________________________________________________
read the novel in one day. _________________________________________________________
will clean the house every Saturday. ____________________________________________________
faxed her application for a new job. __________________________________________________
Passive Voice. Change to Active Voice.
The entire house was painted by Tom. ___________________________________________________
The students’
questions are answered by the teacher. _______________________________________
By whom were you taught to ski? _______________________________________________________?
The whole suburb was destroyed
by the forest fire. __________________________________________
The comet was viewed by the science
class. _______________________________________________
The last cookie was eaten by whom? _____________________________________________________
The video was posted on Facebook by
Alex. _______________________________________________
Instructions will be given to you
by the director. _____________________________________________
TAREA DE FF. HH. TERCERO BGU. CAT: PVM - UNO. (To 18-19/08/2018)
* Realice la tarea sugerida en la agenda.
By: Wellington E. García E.
martes, 7 de agosto de 2018
ENGLISH TASK. LEVEL A1.1 EIGHTH (8th). CAT: PVM-UNO (To 11-12/08/2018)
* De Internet baje información de un "Famous Fest" con su respectiva lectura en ingles.
Por ejemplo:

ENGLISH TASK. LEVEL A1.2 NINTH (9th). CAT: PVM-UNO (To 11-12/08/2018)
* Comparativos y superlativos. Ejemplos en la tutoria.
* Traduzca al español las palabras, presente en una hoja aparte.
ENGLISH TASK. LEVEL A2.1 TENTH (10th). CAT: PVM-UNO (To 11-12/08/2018)
* Completar estas oraciones con el condicional de obligación.
* En casa busque el significado en español de estas palabras.
(A lot of, late, anyone, just, free, pay, lye, naughty, because, rush, plenty, time, smoke, inside, borrow, dirty, dress, miss, tonight, tomorrow, floor, clean, forget, lock, leave, stay, spend, much, only, little, get up, early, too, tidy up, later, cook)
ENGLISH TASK. LEVEL A2.2 FIRST BGU (1st). CAT: PVM-UNO (To 11-12/08/2018)
* Los siguientes adjetivos cambiar a Adverbios.
* Se construirá oraciones con estos adjetivos y cambiar a adverbios.
(Llevar material de trabajo)
TAREA DE ECA. PRIMERO BGU. CAT: PVM - UNO (To 11-12/08/2018)
* Realice un "Collage" sobre los principales Géneros Cinematográficos (pág: 66-71)
ENGLISH TASK. LEVEL B1.1 SECOND BGU (2nd). CAT: PVM-UNO (To 11-12/08/2018)
* Desarrollar las destrezas de; "Reading" "Speaking" "Listening" and "Writing"
Debe llevar material de trabajo (Diccionario) y llevar preparado estas lecturas.
En la tutoria se realizará otras. Extraer vocabulario.
Inti Raymi Celebration
TAREA DE ECA. SEGUNDO BGU. CAT: PVM - UNO (To 11-12/08/2018)
* Realice la tarea sugerida en la agenda sobre el vestuario y maquillaje empleado en el teatro.
Además hay que preparar un tipo de vestuario y maquillaje para presentar el día 25 de agosto, se tratará este tema el día de la tutoría.
ENGLISH TASK. LEVEL B1.2 THIRD BGU (3rd). CAT: PVM-UNO (To 11-12/08/2018)
* Desarrollar las destrezas de; "Reading" "Speaking" "Listening" and "Writing"
Debe llevar material de trabajo (Diccionario) y llevar preparado estas lecturas.
En la tutoria se realizará otras. Extraer vocabulario.
Inti Raymi Celebration
TAREA DE CC . FF. TERCERO BGU. CAT: PVM - UNO (To 11-12/08/2018)
* Realice la tarea de la agenda sobre el reconocimiento a la labor en el legado educativo de MLP.
By: Wellington E. García E.
* De Internet baje información de un "Famous Fest" con su respectiva lectura en ingles.
Por ejemplo:

La Mama Negra
It is in Latacunga,
Cotopaxi province, where La Mama Negra, known as Santisima Tragedia (Blessed
Tragedy) shows the indigenous, Spanish and African cultures of Ecuador. A
magical ceremony that reveals the life of different peoples conceived in its
mixture of cultures. The residents of this place also pay homage to La Virgen
de la Merced (Virgin of Mercy) as a show of gratitude for favors granted. Is
first performed in September, as a party of devotees and the second date is
performed in the first week of November after the anniversary year of
independence, or political party of Latacunga. (En la tutoria hay que traducir esta lectura)
* Usted presente del Inti Raymi por ejemplo.
* Además se sacará una copia del libro pág. 25 del workbook.
ENGLISH TASK. LEVEL A1.2 NINTH (9th). CAT: PVM-UNO (To 11-12/08/2018)
* Comparativos y superlativos. Ejemplos en la tutoria.
* Traduzca al español las palabras, presente en una hoja aparte.
Read the sentences below and then give the comparative
form for each of the adjectives listed.
Tennis is a more difficult sport than Rugby.
I think John is happier now than a year ago.
* Con esta palabras realizar oraciones con los comparativos y superlativos.
Hot _______________ ____________________ ______________
Interesting _______________ ____________________ _____________
Weak _______________ ____________________ _____________
Funny _______________ ____________________ _____________
Important _______________ ____________________ _____________
Careful _______________ ____________________ _____________
Big _______________ ____________________ _____________
Small _______________ ___________________ _____________
Boring _______________ ___________________ _____________
Angry _______________ ___________________ _____________
* Completar estas oraciones con el condicional de obligación.
* En casa busque el significado en español de estas palabras.
(A lot of, late, anyone, just, free, pay, lye, naughty, because, rush, plenty, time, smoke, inside, borrow, dirty, dress, miss, tonight, tomorrow, floor, clean, forget, lock, leave, stay, spend, much, only, little, get up, early, too, tidy up, later, cook)
Modals of Obligation 1
Put in 'mustn't'
or 'don't / doesn't have to'
1) We have
a lot of work tomorrow. You be late.
2) You
tell anyone what I
just told you. It's a secret.
3) The
museum is free. You pay to get in.
4) Children
tell lies. It's
very naughty.
5) John's
a millionaire. He go to work.
6) I
do my washing because my mother does it for me.
7) We
rush. We've got
plenty of time.
8) You
smoke inside the
9) You can
borrow my new dress, but you get it dirty.
10) We
miss the train,
because it's the last one tonight.
11) She
do this work
today, because she can do it tomorrow.
12) I
clean the floor
today because I cleaned it yesterday.
13) We
forget to lock all
the doors before we leave.
14) We
stay in a hotel in
London; we can stay with my brother.
15) I
spend too much
money today, as I've only got a little left.
16) They
get up early
today, because it's Sunday.
17) I
eat too much cake
or I'll get fat!.
18) We
be late for the
19) You
tidy up now. I'll
do it later.
20) He
cook tonight because
he's going to a restaurant.
ENGLISH TASK. LEVEL A2.2 FIRST BGU (1st). CAT: PVM-UNO (To 11-12/08/2018)
* Los siguientes adjetivos cambiar a Adverbios.
Adjective Adverb Spanish
Cheap __________________ _________________________
Quick __________________ _________________________
Slow __________________ _________________________
Easy __________________ _________________________
Angry __________________ _________________________
Happy __________________ _________________________
Lucky __________________ _________________________
Basic __________________ _________________________
Tragic __________________ _________________________
Economic __________________ _________________________
Dangerous __________________ _________________________
Careful __________________ _________________________
Easy __________________ _________________________
Irregular forms:
Good __________________ _________________________
Fast __________________ _________________________
Hard __________________ _________________________
__________________ _________________________
__________________ _________________________
ends in e - le, form with -ly:
__________________ _________________________
Probable __________________ _________________________
Safe __________________ _________________________
Nice __________________ _________________________
Gentle __________________ _________________________
Horrible __________________ _________________________
* Se construirá oraciones con estos adjetivos y cambiar a adverbios.
(Llevar material de trabajo)
TAREA DE ECA. PRIMERO BGU. CAT: PVM - UNO (To 11-12/08/2018)
* Realice un "Collage" sobre los principales Géneros Cinematográficos (pág: 66-71)
ENGLISH TASK. LEVEL B1.1 SECOND BGU (2nd). CAT: PVM-UNO (To 11-12/08/2018)
* Desarrollar las destrezas de; "Reading" "Speaking" "Listening" and "Writing"
Debe llevar material de trabajo (Diccionario) y llevar preparado estas lecturas.
En la tutoria se realizará otras. Extraer vocabulario.
Inti Raymi Celebration
Huma Devils
dance ar the party to the sun: Inti Raymi.
The summer
solstice is celebrated to thank the god Inti (Sun) for the abundance of crops
and Pachamama (Mother Earth) for caring
and blessing crops. Held on June 21 in almost all indigenous villages of the
The most
acknowledged are registered in the provinces of Imbabura, Cotopaxi, Tungurahua,
Cañar, Azuay and Loja. The Inti Raymi festival is characterized by dancers
wearing their heads decorated with mirrors, sequins and feathers; or in the way
of Aya Huma (diabluma or diablo huma) this character can spin very close to
you, with their double face masks.
The Rodeo Montubio Costeño
It is in the
province of El Oro, and in places like Pimocha, Vinces or Balzar, around the
province of Guayas, where you can find “Rodeos Montubios”. Popular festivals
are accompanied by lots of color, where riders compete and march, distinguished
men, with their costumes that have the essential straw hat. Men compete, and
the “Criolla Bonita” is chose, the woman
that will represent the various haciendas of the sector. The “Rodeo Montubio”
takes place as a tribute to the Day of Interculturality and Plurinationality
(Oct. 12.)
La fiesta del Rodeo Montubio se lleva a cabo durante
todo el mes de octubre en la provincia de Los Rios. The celebration
of “Rodeo Montubio”, takes place throughout the month of October in the
province of Los Ríos.
TAREA DE ECA. SEGUNDO BGU. CAT: PVM - UNO (To 11-12/08/2018)
* Realice la tarea sugerida en la agenda sobre el vestuario y maquillaje empleado en el teatro.
Además hay que preparar un tipo de vestuario y maquillaje para presentar el día 25 de agosto, se tratará este tema el día de la tutoría.
ENGLISH TASK. LEVEL B1.2 THIRD BGU (3rd). CAT: PVM-UNO (To 11-12/08/2018)
* Desarrollar las destrezas de; "Reading" "Speaking" "Listening" and "Writing"
Debe llevar material de trabajo (Diccionario) y llevar preparado estas lecturas.
En la tutoria se realizará otras. Extraer vocabulario.
Inti Raymi Celebration
Huma Devils dance ar the party to the sun: Inti Raymi.
The summer solstice is celebrated to thank the god Inti (Sun) for the abundance of crops and Pachamama (Mother Earth) for caring and blessing crops. Held on June 21 in almost all indigenous villages of the highlands.
The most acknowledged are registered in the provinces of Imbabura, Cotopaxi, Tungurahua, Cañar, Azuay and Loja. The Inti Raymi festival is characterized by dancers wearing their heads decorated with mirrors, sequins and feathers; or in the way of Aya Huma (diabluma or diablo huma) this character can spin very close to you, with their double face masks.
The Rodeo Montubio Costeño
It is in the province of El Oro, and in places like Pimocha, Vinces or Balzar, around the province of Guayas, where you can find “Rodeos Montubios”. Popular festivals are accompanied by lots of color, where riders compete and march, distinguished men, with their costumes that have the essential straw hat. Men compete, and the “Criolla Bonita” is chose, the woman that will represent the various haciendas of the sector. The “Rodeo Montubio” takes place as a tribute to the Day of Interculturality and Plurinationality (Oct. 12.)
La fiesta del Rodeo Montubio se lleva a cabo durante todo el mes de octubre en la provincia de Los Rios. The celebration of “Rodeo Montubio”, takes place throughout the month of October in the province of Los Ríos.
TAREA DE CC . FF. TERCERO BGU. CAT: PVM - UNO (To 11-12/08/2018)
* Realice la tarea de la agenda sobre el reconocimiento a la labor en el legado educativo de MLP.
By: Wellington E. García E.
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