miércoles, 26 de septiembre de 2018


ENGLISH TASK. LEVEL EIGHTH (8th). CAT PVM-UNO (to 29-30/09/2018)
* Presente Progresivo. Formar oraciones, usar el verbo to be (am, is, are)
1.- Affirmative sentences. (am. is, are) (Subject - be - verb+ing - complement)
I / to read a book. _______________________________________________  
It / to rain. _____________________________________________________
He / to repair his bike. ___________________________________________   
The cat /to sleep on the chair. _____________________________________
Jane and Emily / to do their homework. ____________________________________   
2.- Negative sentences. (am not, is not, are not) (Subject - be+not - verb+ing - complement)
I am watching TV.  ____________________________________________________
They are drawing a horse. ______________________________________________
He is opening the window. ______________________________________________
Angela is cleaning the bathroom. _________________________________________
We are helping in the garden. ___________________________________________
3.- Interrogative sentences. Yes/No questions. (Be - subject - verb+ing - complement - ?) 
Peter / to go / to the cinema.          Is Peter going to the cinema                  ?
Yes, he is                    No, he isn´t
they / to play / a game. __________________________________________?
Yes, ______________________           No, _______________________
she / to listen /to the radio. ________________________________________?
Yes, ________________      No, _________________                 
they / to pack / their bags. ________________________________________? 
Yes, _______________        No, _________________
she / to watch / the news. ________________________________________?  
Yes, _______________        No, ________________
4.- Questions. 
Ashley is going to a restaurant.            Where is Ashley going?
Gareth is reading the paper. ___________________________________________ ?
Stacey is playing in the garden. ________________________________________ ?
Britney is doing her homework. ________________________________________ ?
Joe is repairing his bike. ______________________________________________ ?

ENGLISH TASK. LEVEL NINTH (9th). CAT PVM-UNO (to 29-30/09/2018)
* Traduzca al español estos verbos: (To eat, eat breakfast, eat lunch, eat dinnerto drink, to need, to have, to buy, to take, to think, to prepare, to keep, to mix, to freeze, to sweet, to drink) 
* Traduzca al español estos adjetivos de Cantidad (Adjectives of quantity): (too, some, any, enough, a few, several, little, much, a lot of, half, sufficient, alone, one, two, once, twice, three times, heavy, abundant, empty)

* COUNTABLE NOUNS AND NON – COUNTABLE NOUNS. Clasifique los sustantivos contables y no contables. (grains, veggies, meat, beans, carrots, butter, water, wine, eggs, sugar, table, piece of chocolate, soup, fruits, fish, bread, cheese, cup of coffee, rice, ketchup, oíl, pasta, knife, spoom,  fork, home, store, fridge, market, plate, corn, ice-cream)
ENGLISH TASK. LEVEL TENTH (10th). CAT PVM-UNO (to 29-30/09/2018)
* Traduzca al español estos adjetivos y en la tutoria trabajar formando los comparativos y superlativos, no olvide llevar diccionario English-Spanish.
Adjective                   Comparative                     Superlative                           Spanish
Tall                    ________________         _________________          ________________
Fat                     ________________         _________________          ________________                              
Big                     ________________         _________________          ________________
Sad                    ________________         _________________         ________________
Fast                   ________________         _________________         ________________
Adjective                  Comparative                          Superlative                       Spanish
Happy                ________________            _________________          ________________
Simple               ________________            _________________          ________________
Busy                  ________________            _________________          ________________
Tilted                 ________________            _________________          ________________
Tangled             ________________            _________________          ________________
Adjective                  Comparative                           Superlative                     Spanish
Important           ________________            _________________          ________________
Expensive          ________________            _________________         ________________
Beautiful            ________________            _________________         ________________
Intelligent          ________________            _________________          ________________
Adjective                  Comparative                           Superlative                      Spanish
Good               ________________            _________________          ________________
Bad                 ________________            _________________          ________________
Little               ________________            _________________          ________________
Much              ________________            _________________          ________________
Far                 ________________            _________________          ________________

ENGLISH TASK. LEVEL FIRST BGU (1st bgu). CAT PVM-UNO (to 29-30/09/2018)
Complete the sentences with the correct Tag Questions, y traduzca al Español.
1.- Affirmative sentences.
Mr McGuinness is from Ireland, _________________?
You are John, _________________?
She went to the library yesterday, ________________ ?
Cars pollute the environment, ______________ ?
The trip is very expensive, ____________________ ?
She's from a small town in China, _________________?
The weather is really bad today, _________________? 
He's very handsome, ____________________? 
John's a very good student, __________________?
We're late again, ________________?   
2.- Negative sentences.
The car isn't in the garage, _________________?
He didn't recognize me, __________________ ?
He won't tell her, _________________ ?
They aren't happy, ______________?
You don't like shopping, ______________?
She doesn't smoke, _______________?
It isn't a very nice day, ______________ ?
They aren't in Mumbai at the moment, ________________?
You aren't from Brazil, _______________________?
She doesn't work in a hotel, ___________________?

TAREA DE ECA. PRIMERO BGU. CAT: PVM - UNION. (to 29-30/09/2018)
* No puedo enviar la tarea no tengo la agenda.

ENGLISH TASK. LEVEL SECOND BGU (2nd bgu). CAT PVM-UNO (to 29-30/09/2018)
* Active and Passive Voice. Realice la tarea de la agenda, use el libro de inglés.
NOTA: La tarea 1 y 2 de la agenda realice en casa, la tarea 3 hacemos en la tutoria.
Examples in Active Voice. Change to Passive Voice. 
1.- Active Voice in Simple Present.
He opens the door. ______________________________________________________________
She pays a lot of money. _________________________________________________________
I draw a picture. ________________________________________________________________
They wear blue shoes. ___________________________________________________________
You do not write the letter. ________________________________________________________

Does the police officer catch the thief? _______________________________________________
2.- Active voice in Past Tense.
He wrote a letter. ____________________________________________________________
They knew it. _______________________________________________________________
She sang a song. ___________________________________________________________
He loved his friends very much. ________________________________________________
You did not listen to me. ______________________________________________________
Active: She did not write a story. ________________________________________________
3.- Active Voice in Perfect Present Tense.
Kerrie has paid the bill. - _______________________________________________________
I have eaten a hamburger. _____________________________________________________
I have opened the present. _____________________________________________________
They have not read the book. ___________________________________________________
They have not caught the thieves. _______________________________________________
Has she phoned him? _________________________________________________________

TAREA DE ECA. SEGUNDO BGU. CAT: PVM - UNION. (to 29-30/09/2018)
* Géneros Fotográficos. (Para quién tiene el libro de ECA, página 85-87.
* Conteste esta pregunta.
1.- Qué intentan comunicar cada fotografía?
Explique en que consiste un género fotográfico.
a.- Qué es una fotografía documental? y represente con una imagen.
b.- Qué es una fotografía artística? y represente con una imagen.
c.- Qué es una fotografía objetiva? y represente con una imagen.
d.- Qué es una fotografía de representación? y represente con una imagen. 

ENGLISH TASK. LEVEL THIRD BGU (3rd bgu). CAT PVM-UNO (to 29-30/09/2018)
* Second Conditional. (Dar copia de la página Nº 32-33 del libro)
* Complete estas oraciones con el segundo condicional, y traducir al español.
Conditional verb (would + verb) + If + Past Simple
I _____________ be happy, ______ I had more free time. 
I _____________ tell you the answer, ______ I knew what it was. 
There ___________ be fewer accidents, ______ everyone drove more carefully. 
We ____________ have a lot of money, ______ we sold our house. 
____________ she come, ______ I paid for her flight? 
____________ you accept the job, ______ they offered it to you? 
What ___________ you do, ______ you won the lottery?
What ___________  you do, ______ you saw a U.F.O? 

Note that with the verb To Be we use IF + I / HE / SHE / IT + WERE
If I _________ not in debt, I would quit my job. 
If he __________ taller, he'd be accepted into the team. 
She would be still be correcting my grammar if she ___________ still alive. 

COULD can be used instead of WOULD to make the hypothetical present or future more likely.
If he trained every day, he ____________ represent his country. 
If I had a little more money, I ____________ buy a car.  

* Realice un comentario sobre su propia identificación en su comunidad y en la Iglesia como responsable de la situación actual y de la transformación que se requiere en la sociedad. 

By: Wellington E. García E.

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