martes, 23 de octubre de 2018


ENGLISH TASK. LEVEL EIGHTH (8th) CAT: PVM-UNO (To 27-28/10/2018)
* Ejemplos con "This - That / These- Those"
Complete las oraciones usando. (DEBE REALIZAR EN CASA ESTA ES LA "PRUEBA"
1. – This (Singular) (Para señalar algo cerca “here”)      2. – That (Singular) (Para señalar algo distante “far”)
3. – These (Plural) (Para señalar algo cerca “here”)       4. – Those (Plural) (Para señalar algo distante “far”)
1) _________ is very yummy! (here)
2) I would like ___________, please (far
3) I am not sure ___________ is how you do it (far)
4) ___________ are the most comfortable (here)
5) Could you hand me ___________? (far)
6) __________ is crazy! (here)
7) ___________ belong to Sarah (far)
8) Could you help me move ____________? (here)
9) ___________ is not mine (far)
10) Bring me _____________ (far)
TAREA EN LA TUTORIA: Completar las siguientes oraciones en presente progresivo.
1. - Affirmative. (Subject – be (am, is, are) – verb + ing – complement)
He / to repair his bike _________________________________________________________________
They / to watch a film _________________________________________________________________
The cat /to sleep on the chair ___________________________________________________________
Jane and Emily / do their homework ______________________________________________________
2. - Negative. (Subject – be (am, is, are) + not – verb + ing – complement)
I am talking _________________________________________________________________________
He is opening the window ______________________________________________________________
Angela is cleaning the bathroom ________________________________________________________
3. - Interrogative. (Be (am, is, are) - subject – verb + ing – complement -?) (Yes,…….. / No,…….)
They / to play / a game ______________________________________________   _________________   ________________
She / to listen /to the radio ___________________________________________    _________________   ________________
You / to do / the washing-up __________________________________________     _________________     ______________ 
4. - Questions. (Where, What, Who, When) (QW – be (am, is, are) – subject – verb + ing - ?)
Stacey is playing in the garden ____________________________________________________________
She is wearing a red dress _______________________________________________________________
Britney is doing her homework ____________________________________________________________
Amanda is going out with Dan  ____________________________________________________________

ENGLISH TASK. LEVEL NINTH (9th) CAT: PVM-UNO (To 27-28/10/2018)
* Se trabajará con la página Nº 57 del libro en la tutoria.
1.             We need _____________ bananas.
2.             You can't buy _____________ posters in this shop.
3.             We haven't got ______________ oranges at the moment.
4.             Peter has bought ______________ new books.
5.             She always takes ______________ sugar with her coffee.
6.             I have seen ________________ nice postcards in this souvenir shop.
7.             There aren't ______________ folders in my bag.
8.             I have _______________ magazines for you.
9.             There are _____________ apples on the table.
10.           Patricia does not have _______________ pencils on her desk.

How _____________ time do we have?
How _____________ money did you spend?
How _____________ sugar do you need?
How _____________ paper will you buy?
How _____________ milk is there in the fridge?
How _____________ days are there in January?
How _____________ people work in your company?
How _____________ cousins do you have?
How _____________ provinces are there in the Ecuador?
How _____________ students are in there in class now?
How _____________ pieces of chocolate would you like?

How _____________ is that painting?
How _____________ are those shoes?
How _____________ did your jacket cost?
How _____________ will it cost me this shirt?

ENGLISH TASK. LEVEL TENTH (10th) CAT: PVM-UNO (To 27-28/10/2018)
* Realizar el Quiz Time de la página 96. Traer diccionario. (En la tutoria)
* Las siguientes oraciones con adjetivos cambie a oraciones en comparativos y superlativos.
1. - My house is big
(c) _____________________________________________________________________________
(s) _____________________________________________________________________________
2. - Your grade is dark.
(c) _____________________________________________________________________________
(s) _____________________________________________________________________________
3. - The Pacific Ocean is deep.
(c) _____________________________________________________________________________
(s) _____________________________________________________________________________
4. - Martha is polite.
(c) _____________________________________________________________________________
(s) _____________________________________________________________________________
5.- My brother is young.
(c) _____________________________________________________________________________
(s) _____________________________________________________________________________
6. - The rose is beautiful.
(c) _____________________________________________________________________________

(s) _____________________________________________________________________________

ENGLISH TASK. LEVEL FIRST BGU (1st bgu) CAT: PVM-UNO (To 27-28/10/2018)
* Realice la tarea de la agenda.
Complete the direct questions into indirect questions. Use 'can you tell me'.
1) Where does she play tennis? Can you tell me ________________________________________?
2) Does he live in Paris?  Can you tell me _____________________________________________?
3) Is she hungry?  Can you tell me ___________________________________________________?
4) What is this? Can you tell me _____________________________________________________?
5) Do they work in Canada? Can you tell me ___________________________________________?
6) Is he a lawyer? Can you tell me ___________________________________________________?
7) When is the party? Can you tell me ________________________________________________?

8) What does he do at the weekend? Can you tell me ____________________________________?

Complete the direct questions into indirect questions. Use 'do you know'.
1) Did she go out last night? Do you know _______________________________________________?
2) Where did she meet her brother? Do you know _________________________________________?
3) How was the film? Do you know _____________________________________________________?
4) Was David the first to arrive? Do you know _____________________________________________?
5) Did Lucy work at home yesterday? Do you know ________________________________________?
6) What was the problem? Do you know _________________________________________________?
7) Who did we see at the party? Do you know _____________________________________________?
8) Were they at the beach? Do you know _________________________________________________?

* El día de la tutoria complete el trabajo para la prueba del parcial Nº 1. (Sacar las copias del libro para desarrollar las actividades)

ENGLISH TASK. LEVEL SECOND BGU (2nd bgu) CAT: PVM-UNO (To 27-28/10/2018)
* Familiar traditions.
Answer these questions.
1.- What special traditions are celebrated in your family?
2.- What food is prepared to celebrate on Christmas day?
3.- What cultural activities are done to celebrate Christmas?
4.- What type of house decoration is used to celebrate Christmas?
5.- What activities are done to celebrate your birthday?
6.- How long do you spend celebrating Carnival?
7.- What foods are prepared to celebrated the "All Soul´s" or "Day of the Dead

* Realice la tarea de la agenda sobre el Collage.
* El día de la tutoria complete el trabajo para la prueba del parcial Nº 1. (Sacar las copias del libro para desarrollar las actividades página 98-99)

ENGLISH TASK. LEVEL THIRD BGU (3rd bgu) CAT: PVM-UNO (To 27-28/10/2018)
* Second conditional.
If I were taller, she would like me. (Si fuera más alto, le gustaría.)
If I won the lottery, I would buy my dream house. (Si ganara la lotería, compraría la casa de mis sueños.)
If she lost weight, the dress would fit. (Si perdiera peso, el vestido le quedaría bien.)

If they were in our place, they would do the same thing. (Si estuvieran en nuestro lugar, harían lo mismo.)

PRACTICE. Complete estas oraciones; Use "If" "would"  /  * "could".
___ I had children, I __________ teach them to dance. (Si tuviera hijos, les enseñaría a bailar.)
___ we didn’t have to go to school, we *__________ go to the match. (Si no tuviéramos que ir a la escuela, podríamos ir al partido.)
___ she were your friend, you ___________ tell her the truth. (Si fuera tu amiga, le dirías la verdad.)
___ you didn’t watch so much television you __________ do better at school. (Si no miraras tanta televisión te iría mejor en el colegio)
___ you paid more attention to your grandmother, she ________ be happier. (Si le prestaras más atención a tu abuela, ella estaría más contenta.)
___ I started swimming my back ___________ stop hurting. (Si comenzara a nadir, dejaría de dolerme la espalda.)
___ they were our children, we __________ let them go to the park. (Si fueran nuestros hijos, les permitiríamos ir al parque.)
___ you made a movie, you * ___________ tell the story of your life. (Si hicieras una película, podrías contar la historia de tu vida.)
___ it wasn’t raining we *___________ go for a run. (Si no estuviera lloviendo podríamos salir a correr.)
___ I had more money I __________ buy a bigger car. (Si tuviera más dinero compraría un auto más grande.)

* No hay tarea.

By: Wellington E. Garcia. 

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