miércoles, 10 de octubre de 2018


ENGLISH TASK. LEVEL EIGHTH (8th) CAT: PVM-UNO. (To 13-14/10/2018)
* No se olvide realizar la tarea de la agenda.
* Escriba correctamente el singular o plural de estas oraciones.
I play soccer                                 ____________________________________________
She play the drums                      ____________________________________________
He have a stomachache              ____________________________________________
You sleep in the night                  ____________________________________________
We swim in the swimming pool    ____________________________________________
They have a toy                           ____________________________________________
He wake up at se ven o'clock      ____________________________________________
You run in the Park                      ____________________________________________
I see the picture                           ____________________________________________
She Write the lesson                   ____________________________________________

Change into plural: Fill in the blanks with the words of the right.
1.             Can you solve.................................problems?                      these                       this
2.             I would like to buy those.................................                       shirt                         shirts
3.             I have not been to.................................. places.                   That                        those
4.             ............................... mangoes were very sweet.                   That                        Those
5.             I will buy.............................. shirts.                                        That                        those
6.             Look at those...................................                                      painting                   paintings
7.             Who planted................................ trees?                               That                        those
8.             You can take................................... books.                           That                        those
9.             I have to clean................................. windows.                      That                        those
10.           .................................. dresses have shrunk.                         This                         These

ENGLISH TASK. LEVEL NINTH (9th) CAT: PVM-UNO. (To 13-14/10/2018)
* Observe la cartilla e intente realizar 5 ejemplos con How much y 5 con How many.
The difference between HOW MUCH and HOW MANY in English

How much money did you spend?                           How much sugar would you like?
How much paper will I need?                                   How much milk is in the fridge?
How many days are there in January?                    How many people work in your company?
How many cousins do you have?                            How many books did you buy?

How much is that painting?                                     How much are those shoes?
How much did your jacket cost?                              How much will it cost me?
How much does it cost?

TAREA: Much / many exercises
Decide whether you have to use much or many:
We saw ___________ animals at the zoo.
How __________ oranges did you put in the box?
There isn’t ___________ sugar in my coffee.
I don’t have ___________ friends.
The old man hasn’t got ___________ hair on his head.
I’ve packed ___________ bottles of water.
I didn’t get ___________ sleep last night.
How ____________ fruit do you eat in an average day?

1 - How ___ kittens did your cat have?
Much                       many
2 - There are not ___ dishes left to clean.
Many                       much
3 - Why was there so ___ smoke in the room?
Much                       many
4 - There were so ___ people on the bus I got off and walked.
Much                       many
5 - We don't see ___ birds in winter.
Many                       much
6 - How ___ money should I save?
Much                       many
7 - We couldn't think of ___ good ideas.
Many                       much
8 - Does this TV use ___ electricity?
Much                       many
9 - Is our teacher going to give us ___ homework?
Much                       many
10 - There's ___ information to remember.
Much                       a lot of                     many

ENGLISH TASK. LEVEL TENTH (10th) CAT: PVM-UNO. (To 13-14/10/2018)
* Realice la tarea de la agenda sobre las 5 oraciones con superlativos.
Pedro is __________________________ in my class (artistic)
My mother is ________________________ in my family (serious)
My father is ________________________ in my family (strong)
The Nilo is _______________________  river in the world (large)
My friend Niko is _______________________ in my class (fun)
The _______________ volcano in the world is Muana Kea (tall)
My sister is ________________________  in my family (pretty)
Los Angeles city is ________________________ in the west of USA (important)
My brother is __________________________ in the high school (intelligent)
My mother is __________________________ in my family! (friendly)

* Forme los superlativos de los siguientes adjetivos.
Angry              - angrier                      - ____________________
Big                  - bigger                       - ____________________
Brave              - braver                       - ____________________
Calm               - calmer                      - ____________________
Cold                - colder                       - ____________________
Cool                - cooler                       - ____________________
Curly               - curlier                       - ____________________
Dark                - darker                       - ____________________
Dirty                - dirtier                        - ____________________
Dry                  - drier                          - ____________________
Early               - earlier                       - ____________________
Easy                - easier                       - ____________________
Evil                  - more evil                   - ____________________
Famous           - more famous            - ____________________
Fine                 - finer                          - ____________________
Fresh              - fresher                      - ____________________
Heavy             - heavier                     - ____________________
Late                 - later                          - ____________________
Light                - lighter                       - ____________________
Long                - longer                       - ____________________
Lovely             - lovelier                      - ____________________

ENGLISH TASK. LEVEL FIRST BGU (1st bgu) CAT: PVM-UNO. (To 13-14/10/2018)
* Realice las oraciones sugeridas en la agenda.
* TAREA: Complete estas oraciones con el Tag Questions.
He doesn´t live in Spain, __________________?
You aren´t Spanish, _________________?
She is not from Ecuador, __________________?
You don´t want to come with me, __________________?
The baby can´t swim, _________________?
You don’t know where the boss is, _________________?
This meal isn´t horrible, ________________?
That film wasn´t fantastic, ___________________?
They won’t go without me, __________________?
I’m not sitting next to you, ________________?
Won´t  let’s go to the beach, ________________?
Won´t you close the windows, _________________?
Nobody lives in this house, __________________?
You have never liked me, ___________________?
Nobody asked for me, __________________?
Nobody lives here, ________________?
He hasn´t a Ferrari, _______________?
She hadn´t a great time, _______________?
You don´t use to work here, ________________?

You aren´t moving to Brazil, ________________?

TAREA DE ECA. PRIMERO BGU. CAT PVM - UNO. (To 13-14/10/2018)
* Conteste estas preguntas. (Página 86 y 87)
1.- ¿Qué es para usted, una joya?
2.- ¿Cree usted que el arte está presente en la elaboración de cualquier tipo de joya?
3.- ¿Que representaba el "escarabajo" en la elaboración de joyas?
4.- ¿Qué tipos de objetos utilizaban los habitantes del Paleolítico como joyas, cuales fueron?
5.- En la edad del bronce; ¿Qué tipos de piedras preciosas usaron para sus joyas?, mencione el nombre de ellas.
6.- ¿Con qué tipos de piedras preciosas trabajan las joyas los Egipcios? (página 86)
7.- En una persona: ¿Las joyas que le han representado? (página 87)

ENGLISH TASK. LEVEL SECOND BGU (2nd bgu) CAT: PVM-UNO. (To 13-14/10/2018)
* Realice la tarea de la agenda, la página Nº 36 del Workbook para las mujeres y la página Nº 37 para los varones, debe traer de casa realizado esta tarea.
TAREA PARA LA TUTORIA: "CONTRAST WORDS":  En cada párrafo encerrar las palabras contrastes y buscar en el diccionario la traducción en español.

Common Conjunctions: “and,” “but,” “or,” “nor,” “for,” “yet” and “so.”
 "We had planned to go on a hike, but the storm blew in sooner than we expected." "Jason heard a song on the radio, and now he can't get the tune out of his head." "Jamie passed his driving test, so he will be driving home tonight."
 Explanation and Emphasis: “actually,” “namely,” “in other words,” “in fact,” “above all,” “particularly,” “for instance” and many more.
 "In fact, that's the best suggestion yet." "In other words, the store will remain closed until they can find a new location." "Due to the lateness of the hour, this court will adjourn until tomorrow."
 Compare and Contrast: “likewise,” “however,” “on the contrary,” “despite,” “conversely,” “nevertheless,” “as if” and so on.
 "Julie enjoyed the play; however, Bill found it boring." "The dog ran through the house as if he were being chased by a bear." "Despite the cool weather, the young couple enjoyed their evening walk."
 Sequence: “lastly,” “eventually,” “first,” “afterward,” “to begin with,” “in the meantime,” “earlier” and “simultaneously.”
 "First, we need to determine where everyone was when the crime took place." "In the meantime, you should fill out an application for the job." "Eventually, the wound will heal on its own."
 Cause and Effect: “why”. Such words include “accordingly,” “then,” “consequently,” “in order that,” “because,” “resulting from” and “ultimately.”
 "As a result of her tardiness, Grace was given 10 demerits." "Consequently, the entire engine had to be rebuilt." "The insect repellent didn't work; therefore, Tom will need to use more extreme measures."
 Generalization: Are “for the most part,” “generally speaking,” “ordinarily,” “typically” and “as usual.”
 "For the most part, the trail is open and free of debris." "Typically, the lighter cars move faster around the track." "As a rule, we try to avoid all use of electronic devices during dinner."
 Conclusion: “lastly” “in summary” “in short” “on the whole” “in conclusion” “all in all” and “to summarize.”
 "Finally, I want to thank my parents for their love and support." "On the whole, the endeavor was a huge success." "Last of all, Hillary placed her luggage in the back of the van and closed the door."

TAREA DE ECA. PRIMERO BGU. CAT PVM - UNO. (To 13-14/10/2018)
* Conteste las siguientes preguntas. (página 90)
1.- ¿Ha asistido a una exposición de arte?
2.- ¿Ha asistido a una exposición de fotografía?
* Mediante un diagrama de llaves realice la siguiente tarea.
1.- ¿Qué es una exposición fotográfica?
2.- Qué son: (de la página 90 a la 92)
2.a.- Subexposición
2.b.- Exposición correcta
2.c.- Sobreexposición
2.d.- La apertura de diafragma
2.e.- La velocidad de obturación
2.f.- La sensibilidad ISO.
3.- Cuales son los pasos para realizar una exhibición de fotografías. (7 pasos) página 92.

ENGLISH TASK. LEVEL THIRD BGU (3rd bgu) CAT: PVM-UNO. (To 13-14/10/2018)
Realice este cartel en una hoja de papel ministro, aparte traduzca al español.


Good Habits to Improve Your Career, Professional Life, and Business.

1. Take at least one action that will move you to your goal.
2. Plan your day.
3. Visualize your perfect day
4. Reflect on your day
5. Save money
6. Make a business connection
7. Optimize your work
8. Arrive early at work
9. Organize your Workstation
10. Take a power nap.

* El trabajo de pastoral consiste en la presentación de la exposición en el minuto cívico del valor del mes con sus respectivas imágenes y el tema que le correspondió a cada uno, este Sábado y Domingo para los dos terceros.

By: Wellington E. García E

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