martes, 14 de mayo de 2019


* Meeting New  People. (Pág: 10-11) Sacar copia.
- Expressions.
1.- How are you?                                  2.- How old are you?
3.- Where are you from?                      4.- What is your name?
5.- What is your phone number?          6.- Fine, thank you
7.- Nice to meet you (too)                    8.- I am very well
9.- Where do you live?                       10.- What is your family name?

Personal Pronouns.                (To Be)                   Complement
- I                                             AM                         good student     
-YOU                                      ARE                      in class
- HE                                          IS                         my friend
- SHE                                        IS                         very pretty
- IT                                            IS                         new
- WE                                      ARE                        from Ecuador
- YOU                                    ARE                        happy
- THEY                                  ARE                       married

* Utilice un lápiz de carboncillo en una lámina A4, con una fotografía suya realice el trabajo de replicar su imagen. Observe el video; Realice la tarea de la página 12

* Como ingresar al blog de cada tutor. Uso y manejo.

* Juegos coordinados: fútbol, basketball, otros.

* Elabore un dibujo sobre Mons. Leonidas Proaño. Realice esta tarea en una cartulina tamaño A4. (Tome cualquiera de estas imágenes)

Resultado de imagen para mons. leonidas proaño         Resultado de imagen para mons. leonidas proaño         Resultado de imagen para mons. leonidas proaño

ENGLISH TASK. LEVEL NINTH (9th) CAT: PVM-UNO. (18-19/May/2019)
* Give a list of Regular and Irregular verbs (10 c/u)
* Theme of class: Do - does   / do + not = don´t   -  does + not = doesn´t.
- Afirmative sentences.
1.- She plays guitar                                     2.- María opens the door
3.- He drinks water                                     4.- Roberth eats red apples
5.- They write a poem                                 6.- Rachel and Ann study english
7.- I paint my bedroom                               8.- We travel to Quito

- Negative sentences.
1.- She doesn´t play guitar                                     2.- María doesn´t open the door
3.- He does not drink water                                   4.- Roberth doesn´t eat red apples
5.- They don´t write a poem                                  6.- Rachel and Ann don´t study english
7.- I do not paint my bedroom                               8.- We don´t travel to Quito.

- Interrogatives sentences.
1.- Does she play guitar?  Yes, ___________________       No, ____________________               
2.- Do the boys open the door? Yes, ________________     No, ____________________
3.- Does He drink water? Yes, __________________          No, ____________________                      4.- Do you eat red apples? Yes, _________________           No, ____________________

* Practice new sentences. Haga nuevas oraciones con estas palabras.
1.- Martha / clean                                    6.- The girls / go
2.- The children / come                           7.- I / not / drink
3.- Henry / not / study                             8.- You / work
4.- They / do                                            9.- She / cook
5.- We / not / sleep                                 10.- My brother / not / jump

* Dibuje o recorte imágenes de objetos que más le gustaría tener.

ENGLISH TASK. LEVEL TENTH (10th) CAT: PVM-UNO. (18-19/May/2019)
* Review last class. Sentences with Frequency Adverbs.
10 sentences about adverbs of frequency
1- I always use the messenger.
2- My mun sometimes goes to the park.
3- My father always goes to work.
4- My sister often takes a break.
5-My dog always sleeps in mornings.
6- We usually eat at 3 o´clock.
7- They never watch TV, in nights.
8- I always drive a fast car.
9- My cousin always gets up at 5 o´clock.
10- I always love Alisson.

- Class to 18-19 of may.
'Yes / No' Questions with 'Be'
Was I sleepy?
Were you late?
Was he at the cinema?
Was she kind?
Was it hot?
Were we hungry?
Were they at work?

Example Questions in past tense with "Did"
Did I do a good job?
Did you forget something?
Did you like the movie?
Did you have a good weekend?
Did we finish all the work last week?
Did he call you yesterday afternoon?
Did he study business at university?
Did she have a headache yesterday?
Did they go to a good university?
Did it snow last night?

ENGLISH TASK. LEVEL FIRST BGU(1st bgu) CAT: PVM-UNO. (18-19/May/2019)
Adverbs of Frequency List
This list of adverbs of frequency the most common. Traduzca al español.
Always                                                                               Annually
Constantly                                                                          Daily
Eventually                                                                          Ever
Frequently                                                                          Generally
Hourly                                                                                Infrequently
Later                                                                                   Monthly
Never                                                                                  Next
Nightly                                                                               Normally
Now                                                                                    Occasionally
Often                                                                                   Quarterly
Rarely                                                                                 Regularly
Sometimes                                                                          Soon
Then                                                                                   Today
Tonight                                                                               Weekly
Yearly                                                                                 Yesterday

10 sentences about adverbs of frequency
1- I always use the messenger.
2- My mun sometimes goes to the park.
3- My father always goes to work.
4- My sister often takes a break.
5-My dog always sleeps in mornings.
6- We usually eat at 3 o´clock.
7- They never watch TV, in nights.
8- I always drive a fast car.
9- My cousin always gets up at 5 o´clock.
10- I always love Alisson.

* PRACTICE: Choose the correct answers.
1. I ________________________ late on Saturdays.
a. Get up usually
b. Get usually up
c. Usually get up
2. Jared ________________________ late for work.
a. Never is
b. Is never
3. ___________________________ on weekends?
a. Often do you travel
b. Do you often travel
c. Often you do travel
4. Susan _________________________ early for class.
a. Often is
b. Are often
c. Often are
d. Is often
5. When do you _________________________ go on vacation each year?
a. Always
b. Never
c. Usually
d. Ever

TAREA DE EDUC. C. ARTÍSTICA. 1ro BGU. CAT: PVM-UNO. (18-19/May/2019)
* El dibujo del rostro. Se les dará la copia de las páginas 18, 19 y 20. Tome una  fotografia suya y replique siguiendo las indicaciones de las páginas sugeridas.

ENGLISH TASK. LEVEL SECOND BGU (2nd bgu) CAT: PVM-UNO. (18-19/May/2019)
* No olvide hacer la tarea sobre el vocabulario de la agenda.
* Simple Past.
Put the verbs into the simple past:
1. Last year I (go) _____________ to England on holiday.
2. It (be) _______________ fantastic.
3. I (visit) ______________ lots of interesting places. 
4. I (be) __________ with two friends of mine.
5. In the mornings we (walk) ______________ in the streets of London.
6. In the evenings we (go) ______________ to pubs.
7. The weather (be) _____________ strangely fine.
8. It (not / rain) ________________ a lot.
9. But we (see) ________________ some beautiful rainbows.
10. Where (spend / you) ________________ your last holiday?

Past Perfect Tense.
  1. The baby had cried before her father came.
  2. Had the water boiled when you went to kitchen?
  3. By the time I returned home, he had already left.
  4. When I came home, they had already eaten the meal.
  5. He began to run after he had seen the cat.
  6. had never seen such a nice beach before I went to Hawaii.
  7. had lived in London, before I moved to Paris.
  8. She had washed her hands before she cooked the dinner.
  9. Did the students go home after they had visited the library?
  10. I returned home because I had forgotten my notebook at home.
TAREA DE EDUC. C. ARTÍSTICA. 2do BGU. CAT: PVM-UNO. (18-19/May/2019)
* Realice la tarea de la agenda. (sacar copia de las pág, 22, 23, 24 y 25)
* Conteste estas preguntas.
1.- ¿Qué es lo que mas le llama la atención de un cartel, póster o afiche?
2.- ¿Cuál es la función comunicativa de un afiche?
3.- ¿Qué es lo mas importante en el afiche, la imagen o el texto?

ENGLISH TASK. LEVEL THIRD BGU (3rd bgu) CAT: PVM-UNO. (18-19/May/2019)
*** Sacar copia del libro páginas 10 y 11.
* Simple Past Tense.
Put the verbs into the simple past:
1. Last year I (go) _____________ to Italy on summer.
2. The time (be) _______________ fantastic.
3. I (visit) ______________ lots of interesting places. 
4. Yesterday we (walk) ______________ in the streets of London.
5. It (not / rain) ________________ a lot.
6. But we (see) ________________ some beautiful rainbows.

* Past Perfect Tense.

  1. The girl had cried before her father came.
  2. Had the water boiled when you went to kitchen?
  3. He began to run after he had seen the cat.
  4. had lived in London, before I moved to Paris.
  5. She had washed her hands before she cooked the dinner.
* The Past Progressive Tense.
1. What _______the manager ________ at 7:00 pm yesterday? (do)
2. Tina and Shelly ____________ to the hotel when it _________ to rain. (walk / start)
3. When Donny _________ the room, everyone ______________. (enter / talk)
4. I _________ in the sales department when I first _________ Sofie. (work / meet)
5. My brother ______the computer while I ______ for my trip. (use / pack)

By: Wellington E. García E.

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