martes, 26 de junio de 2018

ENGLISH TASK. CAT: PVM-UNO. (To June 30/July 01 2018)

ENGLISH TASK. LEVEL EIGHTH (8th). CAT: PVM - UNO. (To June 30/July 01 2018)
* Traduzca al español el siguiente vocabulario.
Colors: Black, red, brown, yellow, white, blue, green, purple, gray, pink, sky-blue, light-blue, orange, blond.
Describe adjectives: Straight, wavy, curly, bald, long, short, small, height, weight, thing.
* Possessive adjectives.

Subject Pronouns
Possessive Adjectives
Possessive Pronouns
Object Pronouns

* Con las siguientes palabras complete la descripción de estas personas.
(His, her, their, my, wavy, straight, curly, long, short)
Resultado de imagen para description to people

I live with my uncle Chris and my siblings.
1.- My uncle Chris is thing. _________ (a) hair is short, __________ (b) and brown. _______ ( c ) eyes are big and black. ________ (d) nose is ________ (e). He´s handsome.
2.- My sister Nicole is tall. ________ (f) hair is _________ (g) ___________ (h) and __________
She is pretty.
3.- Ben is tall. ________ (i) hair is ________ (j) and __________ (k).
4.- My other sister Karen is very cute. _________ (l) hair is __________ (m) and __________ (n).
5.- Our friend Laura is short. ________ (o) hair is ________ (p) and __________ (r). She´s Pretty.

ENGLISH TASK. LEVEL NINTH (9th). CAT: PVM - UNO(To June 30/July 01 2018)
* Realice la tarea de la agenda. Siga estos modelos para hacer oraciones afirmativas, negativas, interrogativas (Yes/No) and Questions. Busque sus propias oraciones, y construya con los siguientes verbos (Work, study, finish, explain, drink, drive, wash, watch, sing, write, clean, swim)
1.- Affirmatives.
I am watching a new TV show.                   
They are drawing many butterflies.  
He is opening the windows.
Angela is cleaning the bathroom. 
We are helping in the garden.
2.- Negatives.
You are not using the Internet
She is not studying English grammar.
We are not going on holiday tomorrow.
Caroline and Kevin are not resting under the tree. 
My little brother is not painting any to me. 
3.- Interrogative (Yes/No).
Are you still working for the same company? Yes, _______________     No, ____________
Are you playing football?                                Yes, _______________     No, ____________
Is Caroline looking for the latest brochure?    Yes, _______________     No, ____________
Are Dan and Billy fishing off the pier?             Yes, _______________    No, ____________
Is The train arriving in 2 minutes?                   Yes, _______________    No, ____________
4.- Questions.  
Why are the kids sleeping on the sofa? _____________________________________________
What is Bella doing this moment?          _____________________________________________
When are you having lunch?                  _____________________________________________
Where are you living now?                     _____________________________________________
Who is traveling to Quito now?              _____________________________________________

ENGLISH TASK. LEVEL TENTH (10th). CAT: PVM - UNO(To June 30/July 01 2018)
* Realice el vocabulario de la agenda.
* Choose the correct answers.
1.- Regions means:
     a- (   ) area
     b- (   ) city
     c- (   ) park
4.- Lost means:
    a- (    ) found the way
    b- (    ) missed the way
    c- (    ) on the way
2.- Adventurous means:
     a- (   ) audacious
     b- (   ) timid
     c- (   ) generous
5.- Search means:
    a- (    ) exploration
    b- (    ) lose
    c- (    ) call
3.- Shortcut means:
    a- (    ) road
    b- (    ) trail
    c- (    ) shorter route
6.- Scared means:
    a- (    ) happy
    b- (    ) sad
    c- (    ) frightened

* Realice oraciones en Presente Progresivo, con los siguientes verbos.
- Affirmative.
1.- (work): ________________________________________________________
2.- (swim): ________________________________________________________
3.- (stop): _________________________________________________________
- Negative.
1.- (drink): ________________________________________________________
2.- (play): _________________________________________________________
3.- (fly): __________________________________________________________
- Interrogative.
1.- (send):_________________________________________________________
2.- (travel): _______________________________________________________
3.- (study): ________________________________________________________
- QW. Questions.
1.- (Who - paint): ___________________________________________________
2.- (Where - live): ___________________________________________________
3.- What - write): ____________________________________________________

ENGLISH TASK. LEVEL FIRST BGU (1st bgu). CAT: PVM - UNO(To June 30/July 01 2018)
* Realice la tarea de la agenda.
* Las siguientes oraciones cambie al tiempo pasado en forma afirmativa, negativa e interrogativa.
A.- Affirmative:
1- Mark and Sara play squash twice a week. 
2- Gillian usually meet clients so late at night
3- Every year his family goes to Europe for two weeks.
4- Tammy and Jen take a Pilates class on Wednesday mornings.
B.- Negative:
5- That new airplane flies to Paris 
6- The semester finish until the end of June.
7- Tony usually tries to call his mother in the mornings.
C.- Interrogative:
8- The shops closes until 21:00.
9- Gerard receive the ball and kick it into the net. 

10- He always use his cell phone for long distance calls.
goes, take, Does/fly, doesn’t finish, tries, Who pays, don’t close, receives/kicks, How many/do/take, Does/use

TAREA DE E. C. A. PRIMERO BGU. CAT: PVM-UNO. (To June 30/July 01 2018)
* Responda estas preguntas.
1.- ¿Qué ritmos o géneros se identifican con la llamada "Música Nacional"?
2.- ¿Qué tan importante crees que resulta conocer y valorar la Música Nacional?
* Realice un mapa conceptual (de llaves) sobre los ritmos populares del Ecuador; tales como:
"El Albazo", "El Alza", "El danzante", "Fox Incásico",  "El Pasacalle", "El Pasillo", "La Tonada", "El Yaraví", "El Aire Típico", "La Bomba", "Ritmos Afro Ecuatorianos".  Resuma lo más importante de cada uno de estos ritmos.
* Escriba dos diferencias  entre Pasillo y Pasacalle.

ENGLISH TASK. LEVEL SECOND BGU (2nd bgu). CAT: PVM - UNO(To June 30/July 01 2018)
* Realice la tarea de la agenda (Vocabulario).
* Traduzca al español estas oraciones con verbos seguidos del gerundio (Día de la tutoria)
Advise            Doctors generally advised doing exercise. __________________________________________________________________
Allow               The European Union doesn't allow smoking in bars. __________________________________________________________________
Anticipate       I anticipated getting stuck in traffic. __________________________________________________________________
Appreciate      I appreciated Danny helping me. __________________________________________________________________
Avoid              He avoided talking to her. __________________________________________________________________
Begin             I began learning Spanish. __________________________________________________________________
Can’t bear      He can't bear being late. __________________________________________________________________
Can’t help       He can't help drinking so much. __________________________________________________________________
Can’t see        I can't see us living in London. __________________________________________________________________
Can’t stand     He can't stand her smoking in the street. __________________________________________________________________
Complete        He completed renovating the house. __________________________________________________________________

* Realice nuevas oraciones con verbos seguidos del gerundio.
(Structure: Subject + verb in past + verb-ing + comp)
Complete         He _______________  _________________ (renovate) the house.
Consider         She _______________  _________________ (move) to Amsterdam.
Continue          He _______________  ________________ (talk) with his father.
Defend             The lawyer ________________  her ____________ (make) such statements.
Discuss           We ________________  _______________ (work) at the company.

* Oraciones con verbos en infinitivo seguidos por el gerundio.
She _______________ his ____________ (work) hard on the project.
Peter _____________  _____________ (waste) time and money.
I ____________  ____________ (save) a little money every month.
She _____________  ____________ (use) smartphones in class.
I ______________  ______________ (visit) New York next month.

TAREA DE E. C. A. SEGUNDO BGU. CAT: PVM-UNO. (To June 30/July 01 2018)
* No olvide realizar la tarea de la agenda sobre los personajes; Marcel Duchamp y Allan Kaprow.
* Responda estas preguntas sobre instalaciones artísticas.
1.- ¿Es posible combinar música, escultura, pintura y dramatización en un proyecto artístico?
2.- ¿Crees que el concepto de arte y las técnicas artísticas han evolucionado a través del tiempo?
3.- ¿Por qué se dice que una instalación artística puede ser efímera?
4.- ¿Dónde y cuándo tiene origen las instalaciones artísticas como movimiento artístico?

ENGLISH TASK. LEVEL THIRD BGU (3rd bgu). CAT: PVM - UNO(To June 30/July 01 2018)
* Traduzca al español el vocabulario de la agenda.
* Traduzca al español el siguiente vocabulario. (Apply, appeal, decide, specialize, curious, interested, familiar, serious, good, terrible)
* Con las palabras del vocabulario complete este cuadro y maque el literal de la columna A que corresponda en el paréntesis de la columna B.
Veterinarians have to be _________ about their work
(    ) because it is a major part of their work
Teachers generally _____________ in
(    ) like penal, commercial or international law
Engineers can´t be ___________ at math
(    ) that make our lives easier
If detective work ___________ to you,
(    ) because they are responsible for the medical treatment of animals
Archaeologists are _________ about old bones
(    ) creating financial statements
Lawyers often __________ on an specific field to practice
(    ) preventing teeth and gum disease
Dentists are ___________ in
(    ) maybe you could become an investigator
Inventors are _____________ at creating new things
(    ) to study a specialization
Doctors often ____________ to different graduate schools
(    ) and piecing together fragments of human and animal history.
Accountants are _____________ with
(    ) specific subjects and age groups

(To June 30/July 01 2018)
* No se olvide realizar la tarea de la agenda, la elaboración de un afiche sobre un aspecto relevante en el acontecer mundial de la obra de Mons. Leonidas Proaño.
Revise este link para que haga su trabajo sobre "Mensaje liberador de Mons. Leonidas Proaño"

Imagen relacionada

Este es solo un modelo, no se vale copiar.
Recuerde que estamos en el mes del valor de la TOLERANCIA. Busque el concepto de este valor.

By: Wellington E. García E.


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